Error starting Postgresql - [FAILED]


Viewed 139 times


I’m trying to upload the database, but when I give the command service postgresql-9.1 start appears the following message:

Starting postgresql-9.1 service : [FAILED].

I went to the log file with command Tail -f postgresql-Mon.log and appeared the following records.


  • Look at this post talking about ---

1 answer


The PostgreSQL uses the model MVCC (Multiversion Concurrency Control) for control of transactions and in it the Multixact Ids are used for lock control records. It is implemented as a 32-bit integer. Because of this limit a server running many transactions can suffer the "transaction Wraparound ID" when the counter returns to zero and all transactions effectively preceding are seen as future.

The solution to prevent this is to evaluate when it is necessary to run a VACUUM ( Postgresql also implements an optional but recommended Feature called autovacuum ( which periodically and automatically carries out the assessment, by enabling it.

Just to remind: version 9.1 has stopped receiving support and updates since 2016, evaluate upgrading to a newer version, the current version is 12.0.

  • Then I should reinstall postgresql ? because as already occurred the error has no way to run the right VACUUM ?

  • No need to reinstall. Try to run postgres in single mode postgres --single -D /data/seu_diretório and then run Vacuum for each of the banks of your installation. Run preferably with super-user. Since, it seems to me, you don’t master all of Posrgresql’s management activities maybe a specialized consultancy can help you more effectively.

  • I am using the root user, but it is giving error in command postgres --single -D /usr/pgsql-9.1/ bash postgres: command not found

  • Then put the full path of the postgres command or hit the path. I repeat: if the data of your bank are valuable and as, everything indicates, you have no intimacy with the administration of Postgresql evaluate with due attention to hiring a specialized consultancy.

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