Python - Dictionary within list


Viewed 81 times


I have a dictionary inside the list:

A dictionary can be used to provide a "dependency table". For example, dependencies of disciplines in college.

To do Calculus 3, I first need to do Calculus 2 and Vectors.
To do Calculus 2, I first need to do Calculus 1.
For Calculation 1, there is no prerequisite.
To do Vectors, there is no prerequisite.

This can be represented by the following dictionary:

dependencies = { 'calculus 3' ['calculus 2', 'vectors'] 'calculus 2' ['calculus 1'] }

(Disciplines without dependency need not be cited.)

Note that, in total, calculation 3 ends up having THREE effective prerequisites: calculation 1, calculation 2 and vectors.

This is because calculation 1 is not cited directly but is indirect requirement.

I need to create a function that shows this DIRECT dependency: I thought of something like this:

def mostra_dependencias_diretas(dicionario, materia):
    for chave, valor in dicionario.items():
        if chave == materia:

def test_06_dependencias_diretas(self):
        simples = {
            'calculo3' : ['calculo2', 'vetores'],
            'calculo2' : ['calculo1']

s1 = pega_saida(mostra_dependencias_diretas, simples, 'calculo3')   
self.assertEqual(sorted(s1.split()), ['calculo2', 'vetores'])
mas o meu esta assim:
AssertionError: Lists differ: ["'vetores']", "['calculo2',"] != ['calculo2', 'vetores']
  • 1

    But what is the doubt? How to make a function to list indirect dependencies?

  • the method to list the directories is not working.

  • I took the test here and except for the print indentation error, it seems to be all right. It was supposed to be printing another result?

  • This is the question are the same.

  • if I do the test: simple = { 'calculo3' : ['calculo2', 'vectors'], 'calculo2' ['calculo1'] } It should be self.assertEqual(Sorted(S1.split()), ['calculo2', 'vectors']), but I’m wrong: Assertionerror: Lists differ: ["'vectors']", "['calculo2',"] != ['calculus 2', 'vectors']

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