How to calculate database usage in Microsoft Azure?


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I’m developing a platform where it has two parts, one administrative and the other open to the public. The administrative part will insert users and some other things. Already the user will access and interact with the platform, performing some evaluations.

I have been using Locaweb for some time, but I have been researching to Microsoft Azure.

Thinking in principle only in MS SQL database, I searched on the plans that Azure has. I did not understand very well the calculations, for now, requisition... I was in doubt.

Then I would like to know how the calculation of Azure for BD is performed, and what are its advantages/differences compared to Locaweb.

1 answer


I do not know in depth the plans of Locaweb, for a quick search saw that they offer SQL Server 2008 only which is an outdated (were released 3 versions after it and the 2008 version has no more conventional support by Microsoft).

Plans for SQL Database in Azure are charged per hour, according to the Databases. The amount you pay varies by the setting you want to use.

The most basic plan supports 5 databases with a maximum capacity of 2 GB and 7 days of full backup (can be restored at any time) with an approximate value of R$0.0155 per hour (or ~R$12 per month).

A complete and updated table with the values for the SQL Database can be found here en

I don’t know the services of Locaweb, but with the amount charged at Locaweb of 75,00 real I believe that the benefit of hosting your database in Azure is greater, even more so now than the Azure Datacenter in Brazil is now available to the public.

  • What I don’t understand is this amount per hour. Does this vary from how much my application will use? Or is it R$12 per month every time? I contacted Locaweb, is R$ 30,00 monthly for 1 bank of 100 Mb.

  • This value refers to how long in hours your database will exist. If you create a database and 8 hours later you decide to delete it, you will pay only for eight hours.

  • @Felipe is worth a trial to see if the service will suit you.

  • Ahhh and if I keep it created for 1 month will be ~R$12.00? You recommend the Azure, or know another better place?

  • For SQL Server I recommend Azure. The advantage is that with a few clicks you can upgrade to a more "parruda" database (paying more, obvious) and if you want to downgrade.

  • As for hosting, I saw that it is kind of expensive in Azure, do you know somewhere else in account? To run (C#).

  • @Felipe do not know.

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