The Datediff function resulted in an Sql Server overflow


Viewed 420 times


I have the following appointment:


 CONVERT(DATE,[DIA]) = '2019-10-30' 
AND [CAMPANHA] = ('1') 

When I run it returns the error:

The datediff function resulted in an overflow. The number of dateparts separating two date/time instances is too large. Try to use datediff with a less precise datepart.
Warning: Null value is eliminated by an aggregate or other SET operation.

however when I change from seconds to minutes or even hours it returns the data, however accurate the data in seconds.

When DATEDIFF_BIG() is placed it gives the error:

'Datediff_big' is not a recognized built-in Function name.

I’m taking the calls just from the day before

the select I make is



    CONVERT(DATE,[inicioligacao]) = CONVERT(DATE,GETDATE()-1)
     AND [campanha] IN ('1')
  • If there was a crash then it’s because the data is wrong, because who would spend years on a call?

  • You have not yet provided your table data.

  • You showed the query which is performing but has not yet shown what data from its table

  • @Sorack could be clearer.

  • @Paulohenrique clearer than to say that Voce needs to show the data set? I’m asking what’s inside your table, that you show lines, tuples.

2 answers


If the goal is to calculate the duration in seconds of a phone call, then it looks like someone stayed for years making a phone call...

About the error message "The Datediff Function resulted in an overflow", I had this problem once and that’s when I became aware of the existence of the function DATEDIFF_BIG. It allows much higher values, but for me it was not the solution because it is available (I think) from the 2016 version of SQL Server and I needed something compatible with the 2008 version. So I had to create an outline solution, very simple until.

If the version of SQL Server you are using is 2016 (or newer), then try DATEDIFF_BIG(). But if the context is phone call duration, probably the processed data is wrong.

At the end there is a conversion to TIME(0); this causes a call that has lasted 24 hours or more to be recorded only part of hours, ignoring the upper part of 24 hours. For example, if a call lasted 25 hours, 59 minutes and 10 seconds the final result will be 1h59min10s

Here is SQL code to show error that may occur:

-- código #1
declare @I datetime, @F datetime;
set @I= '20100101 01:00';
set @F= '20100102 02:59:10';

       datediff (second, @I, @F), 
       convert (time(0), dateadd (second, datediff (second, @I, @F), 0));

To check the consistency of the data turn the following code:

-- código #2 v2
  from tabela
  where cast (DIA as date) = '2019-10-30' 
        and CAMPANHA = '1'
        and datediff (hour, INICOLIGACAO, FINALLIGACAO) >= 24;

The above code lists calls whose duration was greater than or equal to 24 hours, which represents loss of information when converting to TIME(0).

To find out which version of SQL Server is in use as well as the level of database compatibility, run

-- código #3
PRINT @@version
SELECT name, compatibility_level
  from sys.databases
  where name = 'nomedobanco';

Substitute nomedobanco by name of the database.

  • when I place DATEDIFF_BIG() it gives an error:'DATEDIFF_BIG' is not a recognized built-in Function name.

  • @Paulohenrique (1) So either the SQL Server version is before 2016 or the database compatibility level is set to below 130. (2) I added code #2, so you can check the consistency of the data. (3) Code #3 allows you to verify which version of SQL Server is as well as the level of database compatibility.



... To according to, the maximum difference is 68 years, 19 days, 3 hours, 14 minutes and 7 seconds.

As the documentation itself says, the maximum difference between two dates in seconds is the one quoted above. Therefore, although I don’t know what the data in your table is, I conclude that the data contained in its columns are incorrect or that the date format presented is not the one expected by the database after all 68 years for a link is an inconsistent amount.

From the SQL Server 2016 you can use the function DATEDIFF_BIG that does not have a limit so "scarce".


This function returns the count (as a large integer value with sign) of the limits of datepart specified cross between the specified parameters startdate and enddate.

You can check the version of SQL Server executing the following command:



Returns build and system information for the current SQL Server installation.

  • The person responsible for the negative vote can clarify the problem in the answer so that it can be corrected?

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