Is Sqlserver’s HASHBYTES() function cryptographically secure?


Viewed 116 times


The company I work today she has much of the programming done in the database through procedures and was seeing how the creation of the hash of passwords and their persistence in the bank. I discovered that the use of a very old function called PWDENCRYPT(). I’m willing to suggest a modification to this encryption and by researching, I discovered this HASHBYTES() which is a native function of SQL Server itself that does this as the algorithm of hash. I wonder if it is cryptographically secure and can be used in production.

  • Nothing is safe. What was safe yesterday is no longer safe. It’s all about time.

  • Neither was made for passwords.

1 answer


  • Even without using Salt and without the iterations to make the hash slower?

  • Salt’s always good, so I went through link to learn more how to use.

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