Problem while extracting zip file - Ziparchive


Viewed 55 times


I created a script to generate one (Backup/Restore) files on my system, it works perfectly on "location-windows" both the backup and the restore, however when going up in "hosting-linux" happens the following.

  1. First i Gero the local backup and go up on the hosting.
  2. in the hosting I restore this backup.

Only that it takes the address of the files and generates only one getting like this:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

instead of creating the structures it merges everything into one, to be even more specific see in line 3 in the image, it was to create the application | Configuration | functions-groups folders and then the Admin.php file but joined everything.

Obs: if in the hosting I generate the backup and restore it works perfectly, if I take a zip file any generated "local" and rise also works in the hosting.

I don’t know if this is the case but the accommodation is hostgator and php version on site/hosting is 7.3

index php.

Estrutura da pasta


define('INFO', array(
    //backup nome que vai ser gerado
    'backupName' => 'BACKUP', 

    //backup nome que vai após ser restaurado
    'restoreName' => 'RESTORED', 

    //nome da pasta para onde o arquivo será enviado após gerado o backup
    'destDir' => 'BackupFiles', 

function initBackup($source_path, $dir_skip = array()){

    $source_path = realpath($source_path);
    $backupName = INFO['backupName'].'_'.date('d_m_Y_-_H_i_s');

    if (!is_dir(__DIR__.DS.INFO['destDir'])) {
        mkdir(__DIR__.DS.INFO['destDir'], 0755);

    $zip_file = __DIR__.DS.INFO['destDir'].DS.$backupName.'.zip';

    $zip = new ZipArchive();
    $zip->open($zip_file, ZipArchive::CREATE | ZipArchive::OVERWRITE);

    $files = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(
        new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($source_path),

    foreach ($files as $name => $file) {

       if (!$file->isDir()) {

        $file_path = $file->getRealPath();
        $file_view = explode('\\', $file_path);

        if(!array_intersect($dir_skip, $file_view)){
         $relative_path = substr($file_path, strlen($source_path) + 1);
         $zip->addFile($file_path, $relative_path);

return $zip_file;

function initRestore($backupFile){

    $dir = __DIR__.DS.INFO['destDir'].DS;

    if (file_exists($dir.$backupFile)) {
        $path = pathinfo(realpath($dir.$backupFile), PATHINFO_DIRNAME);
        $file_restore_name = INFO['restoreName'].'_'.date('d_m_Y__H_i_s').'.zip';

        $zip = new ZipArchive;
        $res = $zip->open($dir.$backupFile);
        if ($res === TRUE) {
        rename($dir.$backupFile, $dir.$file_restore_name);

        $msg = 'Arquivo restaurado com sucesso';
        $msg = 'Arquivo não encontrado';

    echo $msg;
| GERA O BACKUP - initBackup($source_path, $dir_skip)
|   $source_path = informe o diretório no qual o backup será realizado
|   $dir_skip = informe um array contendo as pasta que o backup não irá zipar
 //initBackup('../', array('pasta1', 'pasta2','arquivo1.php','arquivo2.php'));

| RESTAURA O BACKUP - initRestore($backupFile, $location)
|   $backupFile = informe o backup que será restaurado
|   $location = informe o diretório que será restaurado
  • It seems to me that it is a problem of how Windows and Linux treat the paths(path). On Windows with "" and on Linux with "/".

  • hard is that I don’t know where I can change this, with DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR would solve but where?

  • You would have to check if you are in windows or linux environment and change the tab in the restore. Another option is to back up to windows and linux.

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