Separate a datraframe in subdatraframes based on a condition


Viewed 74 times


I would like to generate subsets of a dataframe via loop. However, when executing this code I do not get the 5 objects.

list <- list("CO", "N", "NE", "S", "SE")

for (i in list) {
   df_name <- paste("Regiao_",i)
   df <- df_AI[df_AI$Regiao == i,]
   df[[df_name]]<- df

2 answers


The easiest way is on a line of code.

list2env(split(df_AI, df_AI$Regiao), envir = .GlobalEnv)

The split creates a list with a dataframe for each unique value of df_AI$Regiao. And list2env transforms the list elements into objects in the environment specified.


If I understand your question correctly, you want to create an object for each subset of the data.frame df_AI. If this is the case, you can use the function assign:

df_AI <- data.frame(Regiao = c("CO", "N", "NE", "S", "SE"),
                    numero = 1:5)

for (i in unique(df_AI$Regiao)) {
  assign(paste0("Regiao_", i), df_AI[df_AI$Regiao == i, ])

> objects()
[1] "df_AI"     "i"         "Regiao_CO" "Regiao_N"  "Regiao_NE" "Regiao_S" 
[7] "Regiao_SE"

> Regiao_CO
  Regiao numero
1     CO      1
  • Perfect Carlos, that was it! Thank you very much. Just an additional question. What’s the difference between paste0 and Paste (using Sep ="") ?

  • 1

    None, paste0 it’s just a shortcut.

  • Consider the response of Rui Barradas, she is more practical (among other things, by discarding the use of loop).

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