Create an executable in c#


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I am developing an application and I would like to know if it is possible to create an "executable" as an external program, for example: when clicking a button, it uses Savefiledialog to save the "new" program. One more example: if a { checkbox.checked = true; } the external program I am creating, when opening, opens a messagebox, but I have no idea how to create this external program. exe

  • #João_silva, you can call an external application by eating "Process.Start()". You can even pass parameters between the two applications.

  • An executable of your C# program? Start by studying the namespace System.Reflection and stress the class Assembly when mastering reflection study DLR. It’s also nice to meet the compiler theory, .....

  • ... it is also nice to know about formal language and tools such as gplex and the GPPG

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