Keep in array the serialize


Viewed 84 times


In the example below, I do the serialize and already step straight in 'date', in ajax:

function filtrar() {

        type: 'post',
        dataType: "text",
        data: $('#filtros').serialize(),
        url: "request.php",
        cache: false,
        error:function(xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError){
            $('#result').html('Erro: ' + thrownError).show();

Return: Array ( [datai] => 2019-10-29 [dataf] => 2019-10-30 )

But when I pass the values of serialize() by variable, it loses the array structure:

function filtrar() {

    const filtros = $('#filtros').serialize();
    const myData = {'filtros' : filtros};
        type: 'post',
        dataType: "text",
        data: myData,
        url: "request.php",
        cache: false,
        error:function(xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError){
            $('#result').html('Erro: ' + thrownError).show();

Return: Array ( [filtros] => datai=2019-10-29&dataf=2019-10-30 )

  • There is the possibility to keep the array structure to pass as variable?

2 answers


Like Victor said, use .serializeArray() but you need to create a JSON to pass the parameter filtros. Just use a .each() creating the JSON array items:

function filtrar() {

    const filtros = $('#filtros').serializeArray();
    const data = {}; // cria o objeto

    // cria o JSON
    $(filtros).each(function(index, obj){
       data[] = obj.value;

    const myData = { 'filtros': data };
        type: 'post',
        dataType: "text",
        data: myData,
        url: "request.php",
        cache: false,
        error:function(xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError){
            $('#result').html('Erro: ' + thrownError).show();

The result will be:

array(1) { ["filtros"]=> array(2) { ["datai"]=> "2019-10-29" ["dataf"]=> "2019-10-30" } }
  • Wouldn’t just be using the Json.Parse() in the variable filtros?

  • It does not work because the result of serialize is a string URL, like: datai=valor&dataf=valor.

  • serialize() yes, but serializeArray() would be elements of the array?

  • 2

    Works with JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(filtros));, but the array goes with the keys name and value.

  • I’m testing as I follow you, and for now, I haven’t got anything other than the answer. I thought jQuery would have something better for this.

  • Understood and thank you @Sam!

  • I hope I helped you at least a little bit then! @Rbz

  • @Sam When using multiselect it gives problem. Would have some way to fix?

  • @Rbz I’ll take a look and talk to you later.

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You can get the same result by storing it in the variable using the method serializeArray()

 const filtros = $('#filtros').serializeArray();

I use it this way and it works great for me.

You can see more in the documentation of serializeArray method()

  • Victor, it’s not the same result, it generates name and value, then the treatment is different.

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