In this exercise I want to create a system in Javascript personalize a service request, in this case private JS lessons. My intention was to show the user a div that presented a new form when they wanted to select the payment per class, this form asks for the amount of hours and number of days in the week that the student would request Java Script lessons. For that I created a function formqtd I think it works. But at the time of the click of the send button, the reply saying the price of the service does not appear, in the same way for the monthly payment.
```Java script
function formqtd()
else if (document.getElementById("mesCheck").checked)
function aulaP(){
let pagaula = document.getElementById("aulaCheck").value;
let pagmes = document.getElementById("mesCheck").value;
let qtdhora = Number(document.getElementById("hora").value);
let qtddias = Number(document.getElementById("dias").value);
let resposta = "";
let pagaula = 30;
let precoaula = (pagaula * qtdhora);
let pagfinal = precoaula * qtddias;
document.getElementById("aulaP()").innerHTML = ("O plano aula é" + pagaula + " por hora. Já que você precisará de " + qtdhora + " horas por aula, durante " + qtddias + " na semana, o preço final é: " + pagfinal.toFixed(2));
else if (pagmes.checked)
let pagmes = 280;
let pagfinal = pagmes;
resposta = ("O pagamento final do plano mensal é:" + pagfinal.toFixed(2));
let respostafinal = resposta;
document.getElementById("aulaP()").innerHTML = respostafinal;
<div class="conteudo">
<h1>Aulas Particulares</h1><br>
<h2>Aulas JS</h2>
<h3> R$30 a hora/aula ou plano mensal R$280 </h3>
<label> Selecione seu plano: </label><br>
<label for="aulaCheck">R$30 hora</label>
<input type="radio" onclick="formqtd(); aulaP();" name="plano" id="aulaCheck"><br>
<label for="mesCheck"> Plano Mensal 2 aulas/semana R$280</label>
<input type="radio" onclick="formqtd(); aulaP();" name="plano" id="mesCheck">
<button type="button" id="botao1" onclick="aulaP()">Enviar</button>
<p id="aulaP()"></p>
<div class="conteudo" id="formqtd" style="display: none;">
<h3>Horas e dias da semana</h3>
<label for="hora">Hora:</label>
<input type="text" id="hora"><br>
<label> Quantos dias na semana? (n°)</label>
<input type="text" id="dias">
<button type="button" onclick="formqtd(); aulaP();" id="botao2"><b>Enviar</b></button>
<p id="aulaP()"></p>
sorry for formatting I still don’t know how to use stackoverflow properly.