How to get information from a tr in HTML code using Htmlagilitypack from Visual Studio


Viewed 223 times


Good night, I’m doing a C# project at Visualstudio 2019 using Htmlagillypack to capture site information which contains the values of the stock exchange. I don’t know which elements to use to get the tags I need, below is the photo of the html code of my code C#.

NOTE: in my program I am using a Messagebox.Show only to perform the tests easier, when I can access them I will arrange each one in its proper variable.

I don’t know I could access the three inside my tbody'.

Thank you very much in advance! Html e Pagina

Codigo C#

1 answer


Marcelo, I set an example here for you to read the td but you will need to make some negotiations that are commented in the code below:

HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument htmlDoc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument()
    OptionFixNestedTags = true

// TODO Carregar o HTML dinamicamente através de um requisição
    <div class=""col-12 col-lg-8"">
        <div class=""data-table-full"">
        <table id=""high"" class=""default-table active"">
                    <th>Último (R$)</th>
                    <th>Var. Dia (%)</th>
                    <th>Val. Min (R$)</th>
                    <th>Val. Máx (R$)</th>
                <td><a href="""">AZUL4</a></td>
                <td class=""positive"">1.13</td>
                <td>11:01 25/10</td>
                <td><a href="""">BBAS3</a></td>
                <td class=""positive"">0.76</td>
                <td>11:01 25/10</td>

var trs = htmlDoc
    .Where(a => a.Name == "tr");

foreach(var tr in trs)
    // TODO Aqui você precisará efetuar algumas tratativas:
    // Se dentro do TD houver um outro elemento, você precisará
    // descer mais um nível para pegar o innerText.
    if (tr.ChildNodes[1].Name == "a")
        // Tratar o anchor
        var innerTextDoAnchor = tr.ChildNodes[0].ChildNodes[0].InnerText;

    // Exemplo de como concatenar os InnerText
    string valoresDosTdsConcatenados = string.Join(", ", tr.ChildNodes.Select(a => a.InnerText));
  • 1

    Xará, saved me legal... Gave right if code, thanks for the attention, was of great help.

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