ERROR 1215 (HY000): Cannot add Foreign key Constraint (MYSQL)


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Good evening, you guys, I am trying to create a table with two foreign keys, but is giving the error of Cannot add Foreign key Constraint, I do not understand why, follows below the SQL statement.

follows the table Matricula

| Field              | Type    | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| aluno_codMatricula | int(11) | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
| turma_codTurma     | int(11) | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |

follows the table creation statement with Foreign Keys

CREATE TABLE Chamada(codChamada INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, data DATE NOT NULL, presente BOOL NOT NULL, matricula_aluno_codMatricula INT NOT NULL, matricula_turma_codTurma INT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(codChamada), FOREIGN KEY (matricula_aluno_codMatricula) REFERENCES Matricula(aluno_codMatricula), FOREIGN KEY (matricula_turma_codTurma) REFERENCES Matricula(turma_codTurma)) Engine=Innodb;

however error occurs: ERROR 1215 (HY000): Cannot add Foreign key Constraint

  • So you posted the primary key of the Registration table is a composite key (aluno_codMatricula, turma_codTurma) and not just the aluno_codMatricula field. Shouldn’t the primary key of the Matricula table be just aluno_codMatricula? Or student enrollment may vary from class to class in your data model?

  • @anonimo I think q read wrong, is a field only every key, is not composed, the first matricula_aluno_codMatricula and the second matricula_turma_codTurma, but it is strange two Foreign Keys to the same table, will this be right?

  • The two fields contain PRI in the Key column. If it is not a composite key then the software you used to display is totally counterintuitive.

  • is a table generated when you have relation N to N, I need to know in the call who is the student by the enrollment code and which class he belongs to.

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