User Creation Api Is Returning Status 204 In Content


Viewed 89 times


I’m developing an api that I get the id the user of the request through the token, I store in my user object and I register this user. The problem is that it is not returning anything, even if I put user. If I put one console.log(user) before the return my object is as expected (user information that was registered + token, but the api returns Status 204 + No content.

I tried to:

const User = use("App/Models/User")

class UserController {

    store ({ request, auth }){

        let user = request.all()

        this.usuarioLogado(auth).then(async res => { 
            user.user_id =
            user = await User.create(user)
            const token = await auth.generate(user)
            Object.assign(user, token)
            return user

    async usuarioLogado(auth) {
        try {
            return await auth.getUser()
        } catch (error) {
  • Shouldn’t be return this.usuarioLogado(auth).then...?

  • no, I tried that way. I had to assign the user’s return to a constant, and then return that constant.

1 answer


I don’t have the Adonis on my machine to simulate this test. But reading, it seems to be only something related to Javascript. I don’t know what its variable token is returning. But, let’s assume that it has a value returned as:

const token = { value: 'asdo12398j129e12v9ne9182u2098343847230m4m03' };

And let’s also assume that user has the following output:

const user = {
    name: 'Thiago'

That is, returning an object... So it makes sense to have the function Object.assign...

The exit would be...

  name: 'Thiago',
  value: 'asdo12398j129e12v9ne9182u2098343847230m4m03'

That’s the same as user.value = token.value.

Try to explore the following exit: {user, token}... the output would make more sense, because token is not son of user (believe), and yes an object that only has a relationship in common with 'user'.

See also the exit of Token to know if it is being printed as well. This is important for me to update this question... because I don’t know the behavior of Toke value as well as its structure coming from the query.

Use the object Response from Adonis to return the result. It already contains a nice structure to return what you need, as well as work on the Output Status.

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