What is the SQL Server compatible command for Mysql SHOW CREATE TABLE?


Viewed 302 times


What would be the command in SQL Server to view the script for the creation of a given table?

With a result more or less like this:

| table_name |                 create_statement                  |
| customers  | CREATE TABLE customers (                          |
|            |                                                   |
|            |     id INT NOT NULL,                              |
|            |                                                   |
|            |     email STRING NULL,                            |
|            |                                                   |
|            |     CONSTRAINT "primary" PRIMARY KEY (id ASC),    |
|            |                                                   |
|            |     UNIQUE INDEX customers_email_key (email ASC), |
|            |                                                   |
|            |     FAMILY "primary" (id, email)                  |
|            |                                                   |
|            | )                                                 |
  • the simplest option is to go in the "Script" menu, but this result ai does not exist in any table, you will have to combine the results to generate it

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1 answer


There’s no way, you can get the information you want in other ways, for example

sp_help customers


exec sp_columns customers

I put in the Github for future reference.

Or you can get something similar in the GUI by going on Script Table As ->Create.

As SO.

  • thanks for your return. These commands I already knew. The closest I need is when I select in sys.all_sql_modules, however the Definition column shows the creation script for the views and procedures. I was really needing the script to create a certain table.

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