Cloud Save app creation for premium users only


Viewed 17 times


I work with React-On and have an interest in creating an application that saves in a cloud database for premium users only. The user would normally persist on the local device, but if I had a premium plan in my app, the data would be synchronized in a cloud database.

Currently I researched solutions like google Firebase and Amazon Aws but did not think about how to allow persist only offline following some criteria. It makes no sense to have the entire application saved in firebase for example, because over time the plan will start to get expensive and the amount of users who pay would not compensate for free users who use the service.

I want tips of articles to read, technologies I must learn or direction of what I must research to acquire the knowledge necessary to do something of the kind and tips of what knowledge I need to have for such.

Currently the backend technologies I know are:

Nodejs: 3/5

C#: 4/5

  • I do not understand why my question is outside the scope. If you can help me where I can post I would appreciate.

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