I can’t build the iOS app for publication


Viewed 58 times


When I try to build my App(IOS), it says it doesn’t have Provisioning Profile. I did all the step-by-step in the Apple Store, like > Appid(Profile), Certificate(Development and Production), and Adhoc and Applestore distributions. See how is my Provisioning Profile in the IOS project properties.

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Note that in Provisioning Profile is as

No Match Profiles found

and should have a list of Profiles, or at least one.

Visual Studio Usage 2019 for Mac

  • I strongly advise to take a look at this site: Certificate and Provisioning Profile In it you will understand more about the distribution stream for iOS.

  • Did you download the certificates? Did you generate the subscription? You set up everything in the online dashboard?

  • @Guilhermenascimento, yes, everything was done on the panel online

  • But you have to generate the signature, "upar", take the signature they prepare to put in the Macos folder, authenticate by Xcode, then yes you will see the profiles. It’s not all about the online dashboard.

  • @Guilhermenascimento, then, you say generate the . P12, correct? When generating the . P12 I already put in the project folder, but I confess that I did something wrong. It’s my first time with Apple and Mac and I’m getting beat up.

1 answer


Hi @pnet!

This problem you are having concerns the certificates. To publish applications on a real device, you need to create an Adhoc type certificate (if it is debug, it must have the device that is being ugly the authorized deploy). Everything is done in the Apple’s development environment

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In addition to the Signinig Profile selected is incorrect for the publication type, you need to select something like "Distribution > Ad-Hoc" which will be available after you configure and download the certificate quoted above.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Obs-1. You can leave Both Signing and Provisioning Profile as Auto when you have only one account linked to Visual Studio, as the IDE itself will match the correct profile.

Obs-2. Make sure you are selecting the correct architecture for the build and the target device(32 or 64 bit)

Done this you will be able to deploy without problem

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