Error in binary vector search


Viewed 55 times



I’m having problems in an exercise where I want to pursue a certain age in an ordered vector. The error you are giving is "Expression: result_pointer != nullptr"

I did a search, and I saw that it is a pointer error, however, I am not using pointer in variable X, and even when I use, it still gives problem. Could be some library error?

Follow the code below:

#include <stdio.h>

struct dados
    int idade;
    int peso;
typedef struct dados Dados;

int compara(Dados d1, Dados d2) {
    int dif;
    dif = d1.idade - d2.idade;
    if (dif != 0)
        return dif;
    return d1.peso - d2.peso;

void ordenaDados(Dados *v, int n) {
    int a, b;
    Dados temp, pivo;
    if (n > 1) {
        a = 1; b = n - 1; pivo = v[0];
            while (a < n && compara(v[a], pivo) <= 0) a++;
            while (compara(pivo, v[b]) < 0) b--;
            if (a < b)
                temp = v[a];
                v[a] = v[b];
                v[b] = temp;
                a++; b--;
        } while (a <= b);
        v[0] = v[b];
        v[b] = pivo;
        ordenaDados(v, b);
        ordenaDados(&v[a], n - a);

int buscaPesoMenor(float *v, int n, int el) {
    int ini, fim, meio;
    ini = 0; fim = n - 1;
    while (ini <= fim)
        meio = (ini + fim) / 2;
        if (el < v[meio])
            fim = meio - 1;
        else if (el > v[meio])
            ini = meio + 1;
            return meio;
    return -1;

int main(void) {
    Dados v[] = { { 25 , 50 }, { 20 , 30 }, { 30 , 40 }, { 20 , 65 }, { 20 , 40 }, { 18 , 60 }, { 30 , 45 }, { 18 , 65 } };
    int i, x, k;
    x = 0;
    printf("Dados iniciais:\n\n");
    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
        printf("Idade:%d Peso:%d\n", v[i].idade, v[i].peso);
    ordenaDados(v, 8);
    printf("\nDados ordenados:\n\n");
    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
        printf("Idade:%d Peso:%d\n", v[i].idade, v[i].peso);

    printf("Digite a idade que voce quer procurar");
    scanf("%d", x);
    k = buscaPesoMenor(v, 8, x);
    if (k == -1)
        printf("A idade procurada nao foi encontrada");
        printf("A posicao eh %d\n", k);
        printf("Referente a Idade:%d Peso:%d\n", v[k].idade, v[k].peso);

    return 0;

1 answer


Hello, your error is in scanf, the correct is to pass the address of x and not just x, because for being a function, to change the value of x it needs to be passed by reference.

the correct then is:

scanf("%d", &x);

I also took the liberty of correcting your binary search. In the arguments, v is not float but its Data struct and the v[middle] access to the search must actually access v[middle]. age.

int buscaPesoMenor(Dados v[], int n, int el) {
    int ini, fim, meio;
    ini = 0; fim = n - 1;
    while (ini <= fim)
        meio = (ini + fim) / 2;
        if (el < v[meio].idade)
            fim = meio - 1;
        else if (el > v[meio].idade)
            ini = meio + 1;
            return meio;
    return -1;
  • Hello, I was able to understand the mistakes! Thank you so much for your help! I just copied the search function from another exercise and did not pay attention, my mistake! Thanks!

  • Hello friend, for nothing! Remember if your problem has been solved by my reply, please accept it and mark that it was useful.

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