How could I sort a list of records, from a certain attribute of my class in C#


Viewed 64 times


How could I sort a list of records, from a certain attribute of my class as "Code"?

My class being next:

private int Codigo;
private string Nome;
private float SalarioMensal;
private string CPF;
private int Idade;

public CEmpregado()
    Codigo = 0;
    Nome = "";
    SalarioMensal = 0.0f;
    CPF = "";
    Idade = 0;

/// <summary>
/// Novo empregado
/// </summary>
/// <param name="_Codigo"> Codigo do Empregado</param> 
/// <param name="_Nome"> Nome do empregado</param> 
/// <param name="_SalarioMensal"> Salario mensal do empregado</param> 
/// <param name="_CPF"> CPF do empregado</param>
/// <param name="_Idade"> Idade do empregado</param>
public CEmpregado (int _Codigo, string _Nome, float _SalarioMensal, string _CPF, int _Idade)
    this.Codigo = _Codigo;
    this.Nome = _Nome;
    this.SalarioMensal = _SalarioMensal;
    this.CPF = _CPF;
    this.Idade = _Idade;

//Definindo os metodos SET
public void setCodigo(int Codigo)
    this.Codigo = Codigo;
public void setNome(string Nome)
    this.Nome = Nome;
public void setSalarioMensal(float SalarioMensal)
    this.SalarioMensal = SalarioMensal;
public void setCPF(string CPF)
    this.CPF = CPF;
public void setIdade(int Idade)
    this.Idade = Idade;

//Definindo os metodos GET
public int getCodigo()
    return this.Codigo;
public string getNome()
    return this.Nome;
public float getSalarioMensal()
    return this.SalarioMensal;
public string getCPF()
    return this.CPF;
public int getIdade()
    return this.Idade;

To complement the question, I add a record in the class like this:

I create a list:

CEmpregado empregado = new CEmpregado();

Add in class:


  • You want to order the ListaEmpregados?

  • Positive I have the list of employees, with n employees, each employee have these 5 attributes and need to sort them by a certain attribute in the case of the "Code" that the user himself informs for each employee

1 answer


To sort a list you can import the namespace System.Linq and use the OrderBy or the OrderByDescending, it will return an ordered list, exemplifying:

var listaOrdenada = ListaEmpregados.OrderBy(p=> p.Codigo);
var outraListaOrdenada = ListaEmpregados.OrderByDescending(p=> p.Codigo);

Note that as a parameter you pass the property you should sort.

The code added in the question does not appear to be C#, it seems that it was imported from another language. I suggest reading Nomenclature standard in code for C#

  • I think it would be worth quoting the method Sort, if she wanted to sort her own list..

  • This method had tried to use, but it occurs to me an error in Orderby: (CS0411 C# The type Arguments for method cannot be inferred from the Usage. Try specifying the type Arguments explicitly.)

  • @Bianca How did you try to use it? Could you add in the question, please?

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