Workaround: error Calling Appregistry.runApplication in React-Native


Viewed 73 times


Guys, I use the Linux Mint 19.2. While trying to run an React Native application, via terminal, using the React-Native run-android command, I came across the error Calling Appregistry.runApplication.

As you can see in the following picture: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

In the search for the solution, I did everything, even reinstall the development environment, also tried to use other versions of AVD, but nothing successful!

Before all the observations I understood that in Linux for a reason that I do not know until now, the React-Native was not being launched when running the command React-Native run-android in the terminal of my linux distro. You would need to open it together, with different commands running on two terminal windows.

Briefly the solution is as follows:

first - execute the command in a terminal window: sudo React-Native start

2nd - immediately without waiting for the execution to finish, that is at the same time as the previous command is executed, run the command React-Native run-android, inside your project folder, using a second terminal window.

OBS: don’t forget to use sudo in the React-Native start command

In my case it worked successfully.

The following figure shows the result.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

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