Mysql load the last purchase of each item


Viewed 125 times


I can a list of technical sheets of some products where I need to make the cost calculation taking into account only the last purchases made of each item of a technical sheet.

For example, to make a cake I will use the items according to the following data sheet:

id | produto | custo_total
1  | Bolo    | 10.25

id | id_ficha | id_produto | quantidade
1  | 1        | 7 (trigo)  | 0.400
2  | 1        | 8 (ovos)   | 2.000
3  | 1        | 9 (sal)    | 0.010

The organization of purchases follows the following tables::

id | data_compra | valor_produtos | valor_entrega

id | id_compra | id_produto | quantidade | valor

And the table that binds everything, which is that of each individual product:

id | nome   | materia_prima...
1  | Trigo  | 1
2  | Álcool | 0

To query the following is returning me almost correctly the results. I can filter and get the list of id and valor only the products that belong to the data sheet. However, if there were 10 purchases of the product, 10 results will appear in the query, being that I only need the last record. Recalling that I must take into consideration the field data_compra, because purchases are not recorded in sequential order.

SELECT a.id_produto, a.valor_unitario, b.data_compra

FROM tb_compra_produto a

INNER JOIN tb_compra b
    ON = a.id_compra

INNER JOIN tb_ficha_produto c
    ON c.id_produto = a.id_produto

INNER JOIN tb_ficha d
    ON = :id_ficha //recebo de uma variável
    AND = c.id_ficha

How can I adjust to query to return only the desired result? Or what other method can I use to get the same result?


Resultados obtidos:
id_produto | valor | data
3          | 14.89 | 2019-10-12
5          | 07.90 | 2019-10-09
5          | 08.90 | 2019-10-01
3          | 13.90 | 2019-10-09
5          | 08.90 | 2019-09-28
3          | 14.80 | 2019-09-27
9          | 09.90 | 2019-10-10
9          | 09.90 | 2019-09-07
5          | 07.99 | 2019-09-23
3          | 14.80 | 2019-09-25
9          | 10.90 | 2019-09-30

Resultados desejados:
id_produto  | valor | data
3           | 14.89 | 2019-10-12
5           | 07.90 | 2019-10-09
9           | 10.90 | 2019-10-10
  • I believe you can try to do this by putting a condition on your ORDER BY, sort of like this: ORDER BY b.data_compra DESC LIMIT 1

  • @Leo I have tried this, but it will return only 1 record and not 1 record of each product.

2 answers


One way to solve this would be to do a query to return the last purchase ID of each product. To do this, you could do so:

select MAX(id) from tb_compra as T1 INNER JOIN tb_compra_produto AS T2 ON = T2.id_compra GROUP BY id_produto

You could use the result of this select MAX as a criterion in your query, your query would look like this:

SELECT a.id_produto, a.valor_unitario, b.data_compra
FROM tb_compra_produto a
INNER JOIN tb_compra b
    ON = a.id_compra
    ORDER BY b.data_compra
INNER JOIN tb_ficha_produto c
    ON c.id_produto = a.id_produto
INNER JOIN tb_ficha d
    ON = :id_ficha //recebo de uma variável
    AND = c.id_ficha
WHERE in (
select MAX(id) from tb_compra as T1 INNER JOIN tb_compra_produto AS T2
ON = T2.id_compra GROUP BY id_produto
  • It hasn’t worked yet. When I do only the first example you passed, it returns a list of ID’s but repeats. The second query executes but still returns several results for the same product, as mentioned in my question.

  • I made some adjustments and improved the result a little, but I still could not get the right result. What I believe is happening is that when I run the query with MAX(id) it returns the maximum id of all products. If there’s a purchase where you happen to have a plug product and a no-tie, he’ll still pull.

  • Another thing I noticed, picking up the Max(id) does not resolve. If I register an October purchase and then an August one, he will consider the Max(id) August, the most recent being October.


use a sub query

select * 
from compra
inner join (select max(id)as id,item from compra group by item) as _last on

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