Convert BD to utf8


Viewed 104 times


I have a mysql database which is from a very old project (~2009).

The accents saved in it are this way:

  • Beginning = Beginning

  • Location = Location§

  • Photo album = Albumen of photos

In the SQL file, it looks like this:

/*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */;

And when you create the tables is like this:

`ID_PExtra` int(10) NOT NULL,
  `ordem_paginas` int(3) NOT NULL,
  `id_menu` int(255) NOT NULL,
  `url_seo` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `url` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  `nome` varchar(30) NOT NULL,
  `titulo` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `conteudo` longtext NOT NULL,
  `exibir` varchar(1) NOT NULL COMMENT '[S] Sim  [N] Não',
  `interno` varchar(1) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Página interna do sistema. [S]Sim [N]Nao'

INSERT INTO `pagina_extra` (`ID_PExtra`, `ordem_paginas`, `id_menu`, `url_seo`, `url`, `nome`, `titulo`, `conteudo`, `exibir`, `interno`) VALUES
(2, 1, 1, 'inicio', 'index.php', 'Início', '', '', 'S', 'N'),
(75, 3, 1, 'localizacao', 'pag_localizacao.php', 'Localização', '', '', 'N', 'N'),
(76, 12, 1, 'album-de-fotos', 'pag_algum.php', 'ÃÂlbum de fotos', '', '', 'S', 'N');


What should I do to import this BD and turn these characters into normal accents like í, ç, ã, etc....

Thank you.

  • This problem may even be in your code editor in relation to the source file, considering that the accent is not "escaped" in Insert. There’s more than one problem there. You need to check the actual values stored in binary in the fields to see if it is a display or storage error.

  • @Bacco yes, this was my first project in ~2009. I am redoing all the code, but I would like to take advantage of the same BD. Can you help me import this BD without these characters?. Thank you

  • Are you using phpmyadmin?

  • @Guilhermenascimento Yes, I am.

  • 1

    This ai a problematic bank manager (phpmyadmin is a manager and not the bank), always failed to import, precisely with characters, I gave up on it a long time, I usually solve the import and export via command line, in this reply I did read the part "How to backup without coding problems" and as a suggestion for maintenance and management could try the program:

  • @Guilhermenascimento, but currently I have not had problems with Phpmyadmin, I believe it was a mistake in the past, for lack of understanding and I ended up allowing the data rescue in the wrong way in the BD. I wonder if it is possible to revert this BD to the correct character format.

  • The phpmyadmin at the time of exporting and importing "break" the characters, or better encode 2x, you may think not to have a problem with it, but surely it (phpmyadmin) has problems. I tell you because I have a good time of experience and I dropped it precisely because I had many headaches with this (apart from other problems that it is difficult to enumerate here). I managed many sites and banks and around and a half had to open Notepad++ to change the codec of . sql to fix, because of phpmyadmin

  • @Guilhermenascimento understood. I will download Heidisql, with it I can import and convert these crazy characters into correct accents?

  • Try to open . sql on Notepad++ and save as copy with windows-1252, then close and open the copy again . sql and make sure they are "correct".

  • @Guilhermenascimento I’ll put him down and I’ll tell you. Thank you so far.

  • @Guilhermenascimento got it. I was separating the tables that have the character problem and in Notepad++ I was alternating in ASCI and UTF-8 and it worked. Put your answer there to mark as solved.

  • @Guilhermenascimento, can explain more about this copy file with windows-1252, I didn’t understand that win-1252...

  • @Andréfilipe create a copy of yours. sql, open on Notepad++, go to the top menu where this written "Encoding", select "Convert to ANSI", save the doc and open again

  • Ahhh yes, I knew this technique. It just wasn’t clear to me this term windows-1252. Has some relation this ANSI standard with the windows-1252?

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2 answers


If you want to avoid having to always enter in the code, you can switch directly in the database manager console:



If using PDO, just add the array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => "SET NAMES utf8")); so on the connection it shows normal. As the example below.

try {
    $pdo = new PDO("mysql:host=$hostname;dbname=$banco; charset=utf8", $usuario, $senha,

  • Good morning. How to do in mysqli? no use Pdo :(

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