How, using git in Windows, indicate that the file is allowed to run in Unix environments?


Viewed 121 times


I’m using git in development, and I’m willing to put the project gradle to be executed in the IC. To execute the gradle, just give a ./gradlew to start the process. However, when calling this in my IC, it complains that the file gradlew is not executable.

However, I am unable to change the permission of this file, as everyone on the team uses Windows and chmod +x in Windows is no-op, even about git-bash.

So, how to indicate to git change the permission to run a file, through Windows?

I don’t care here "fix" this problem at IC level, calling chmod +x before the execution of the command.

  • 1

    I understand the need totally, I have some . sh that I go through it (gradlew is one), but it will be run sh ./gradlew would already solve?

  • Yes, it would solve at "IC level", as the chmod +x. But here the intention is more general.

  • I’m so used to sh, which is a very short command, which I don’t really care about, but I understand that when it comes to teamwork, usually other employees are much more likely to lack minimum understanding, or even need. If this is your need.

  • 1

    He even tried git update-index --chmod=+x caminho/gradlew in Windows?

  • I was hoping someone would answer that xD By the way, it works (needed the --add when I went stir today but details...)

  • It’s just that I’m running out of linux to download and test to see if it worked, so I didn’t answer, but I’m glad I already knew, adding content to the site, is what I like the most :)

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1 answer


To list a file with a different mode, use the git update-index, with the option --chmod=+x.

I had to do it to make a Bash script executable:

$ git update-index --chmod=+x

$ git status
On branch master
Changes to be committed:
  (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)


$ git diff

$ git diff HEAD
diff --git a/ b/
old mode 100644
new mode 100755

An important detail to note is that the file permissions option needs to be done before the names of the archives. Then git update-index --chmod=+x does not give the effect of changing file permissions, but git update-index --chmod=+x gives the expected result.

When I needed to do this with the gradlew, I needed to add the option --add at the command line:

$ git update-index --chmod=+x --add gradlew

This was necessary because the file gradlew it wasn’t traced, it wasn’t even listed/staged.

  • 1

    Thanks for the collaboration, thanks to this I updated 2 projects to simplify.

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