React: Display HTML in modal React Boostrap


Viewed 169 times


I’m developing a SPA in React for an event and need to consume a folder with files HTML and display them in a modal of the React Boostrap, basically I have a section where is displayed all the speakers as illustrated in print below:

Seção onde é exibido os palestrantes

I need to make a request to the folder with the speakers' resumes (which is in the public folder of the project created with create-React-app) and display in modal the HTML with the speaker’s resume and I have an example that I did in ASPNET:

Someone can help me, I need the axios for this task?

The object I’m consuming to display the speakers is in this format:

const infoPalestrante = {
        pt: [
            {   nome: "Daniel Pelissari",
                descricaoCurta: "CEO NectarJs",
                foto: "DanielPelissari.jpg", 
                cv: 'dp.html' 

            { nome: "Lucas da Silva",
              descricaoCurta: "Diretor da Viva Lácteos",
               foto: "avatar.jpg",
               cv: "ls.html" },

I tried to make the request using axios that way, I even managed to capture the htmls but I can’t display them and what to pass to display the correct:

       this.setState({ cv:})

The complete code of my component:

import React from 'react';
import { Container, Row, Col, Card, Modal, ButtonToolbar, OverlayTrigger, Tooltip, Button } from 'react-bootstrap';
import axios from 'axios';

export default class Palestrantes extends React.Component {
    constructor(props) {
        // armeza o estado  do objeto contendo os palestrantes e os cvs
        this.state = { modal: false, palestrantes: {}, cvPalestrante: {}, infoPalestrante: {}, infoSecao: {}, html: {} };
        this.toggle = this.toggle.bind(this);

toggle() { this.setState(prevState => ({ modal: !prevState.modal })); }

// metodo executado assim que o componente é exibido em tela
componentDidMount() { this.carregarPalestrantes(); }

carregarPalestrantes = async () => {

    const infoSecao = { pt: { lblPalestrante: "Palestrantes" } }

    // informacoes dos palestrantes

    const infoPalestrante = {
        pt: [
                nome: "Daniel Pelissari",
                descricaoCurta: "CEO NectarJS",
                foto: "avatar.jpg", 
                cv: 'mpc.html' 
                nome: "Marcelo Costa Martins",
                descricaoCurta: "Diretor da Viva Lácteos",
                foto: "avatar.jpg",
                cv: "AnaRaquel.html" 

    // alimenta
    this.setState({ palestrantes:, infoSecao: });

abriModal(palestrante) {

    // seta um estado para o objeto cvpalestrante de acordo com o palestrante clicado
    this.setState({ cvPalestrante: palestrante });

      this.setState({ cv:})

    // chama a funcao responssavel por abrir o modal

render() {

    // armeza o estado do objeto para uso
    const { palestrantes, cvPalestrante, infoSecao } = this.state;

    // caminho das fotos dos palestrantes 
    const caminho = "";

    return (
        <div id="palestrantes" className="cont">

                <Container><Col md={12} xs={12}><h1 className="titulo-secao">{infoSecao.lblPalestrante}</h1></Col></Container>
                    <Col md={12}>
                            {Object.keys(palestrantes).map((i) => {
                                return (
                                    <Col xs={12} md={3} sm={6} className="palestrante-item" key={palestrantes[i].nome}>
                                        <Card onClick={() => this.abriModal(palestrantes[i])}>
                                            <img className="foto-palestrante" width="100%" src={caminho + palestrantes[i].foto} alt={palestrantes[i].nome}/>
                                            <div className="palestrante-info">
                                                <p className="nome-palestrante">{palestrantes[i].nome}</p>
                                                <p className="cargo-palestrante">{palestrantes[i].descricaoCurta}</p>

            <Modal show={this.state.modal} onHide={this.toggle} centered size="lg" unmountOnClose={true} className={this.props.className} >
                <Modal.Header closeButton />
                <Modal.Body className="text-center">
                    <img className="foto-palestrante-modal" src={caminho + cvPalestrante.foto} alt={this.state.cvPalestrante.nome} />
                    <h1 className="nome-palestrante">{this.state.cvPalestrante.nome}</h1>
                    <h2 className="descricao-palestrante">{this.state.cvPalestrante.descricaoCurta}</h2>
                    <div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html:}} className="text-justify" /> 

                    <div className="text-center">
                            <OverlayTrigger overlay={ <Tooltip>Voltar ao site</Tooltip> }>
                                <Button onClick={this.toggle} className="btn btn-primary btn-circle btn-circle-lg m-1"><i className="fa fa-undo"></i></Button>

Thanks, any help will be of great importance.

  • I didn’t understand your doubt, could be clearer?

  • I need to open a modal HTML that opens when I click on a speaker, I have a folder called "CVS" in the public folder of my project with html files.

  • which would be in this case: cv: "AnaRaquel.html"? this layout for example is default?

  • In this cv field I inform which html should be used, I need to make a folder request with the cvs and change the state for the content of this html. This layout is the section where the speakers of the event are shown, when you click on any of them I need to bring the html that is in the folder . /public/cvs

  • Layout is standard and information can be transferred to a JSON? OR NOT?

  • @Danielpelissari I didn’t understand the error but I’ll leave a suggestion that might help you: add an iframe inside your modal where the src is your field cv (which is an html file).

  • I would do so, from what I saw in your code, transfer the information from these htmls (name, function, image path, etc.) to a JSON and use in React the way it should be done, give work transfer the information by visa are not 30 speakers, I think it’s pretty quiet. Your doubt can be made with a plugin, but you will need to put the 30 htmls inside this page ! will become an endless mess ( in my opinion)

  • The layout is not standard, htmls may vary according to the speaker’s cv. The way my code is today I can even pass html inline straight on the object but it is bad to maintain because in many times has enough content to pass there.

  • is default the layout of information, is a photo, a name a sub title and a text, was what I realized seeing ... is not it better to make a json with this information? or even a search in a back end?

  • One plugin: I don’t know if this is the best solution.

  • Name, position and photo is standard in all cvs and even there my code meets. Just the speaker’s cv I’d like to bring from an external html to better organization.

  • this is a public repository that I assembled, basically in the speaker component I want to consume an html with the speaker’s cv.

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1 answer


I was able to solve by making a request to the cvs folder like this with Xios:

   abriModal(palestrante) {

    // seta um estado para o objeto cvpalestrante de acordo com o palestrante clicado
    this.setState({ cvPalestrante: palestrante });

            this.setState({ cv:})

    // chama a funcao responssavel por abrir o modal

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