When I try to open the company using the Abreempresa method, I get the following error
'Object reference is not defined as an instance of an object.'
Does anyone know how to solve ? Thank you.
The code I use is this:
Public bsERP As New ErpBS
Public plat As New StdPlatBS
Public p_empresa As String = "DEMO"
Public p_username As String = "naurio"
Public p_password As String = "*****"
Public p_instancia As String = "Default"
Public p_versao As String = "10.00"
Public p_plat As String = "EMPRE"
Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim tp As EnumTipoPlataforma = EnumTipoPlataforma.tpProfissional
If p_plat = "EMPRE" Then
tp = EnumTipoPlataforma.tpEmpresarial
ElseIf p_plat = "ERPPLAT" Then
tp = EnumTipoPlataforma.tpFirst
End If
Dim objStdTransac As StdBETransaccao = New StdBETransaccao()
'ABRE a plataforma para integrar os anexos
Dim confapl As New StdBSConfApl
Dim trans As New StdBETransaccao
With confapl
.AbvtApl = "ERP"
.Instancia = p_instancia
.Utilizador = p_username
.PwdUtilizador = p_password
.LicVersaoMinima = p_versao
End With
plat.AbrePlataformaEmpresa(p_empresa, trans, confapl, tp)
bsERP.AbreEmpresaTrabalho(tp, p_empresa, p_username, p_password, objStdTransac, p_instancia)
If Convert.ToBoolean(bsERP.Base.Clientes.NumeroContribuintesRepetidos("000000000")) Then
MessageBox.Show("Cannot continue because the NIF for the current entity already exist.", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning)
Dim customer As BasBECliente = New BasBECliente()
customer.Nome = "naurio"
customer.Cliente = "nau"
customer.NumContribuinte = "000000000"
customer.Moeda = "EUR"
'customer.EmModoEdicao = If(PriEngine.Engine.Base.Clientes.Existe(txtName.Text), True, False)
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show("Unable to save client. " & vbLf & ex.Message)
End Try
End If
If you can help me solve or an example of using the engines in visual studio on Asp.net. Thank you.
Thank you so much for the help, I understood what was explained and made sense to me to complement the work. But I have another question. I went to Github I used your Exmplos that are developed in C# and work perfectly, but to work in VB.NET the procedure is the same ? I tried to use the same procedure of C# converting the code but I get the same error as this above mentioned.
– Náurio Lutango
In VB.net you may have to adapt the solve, except it should work without problem.
– Sérgio Sereno