Sum values from a date in Excel


Viewed 614 times


I have an excel spreadsheet with two tabs

Aba Cálculo Aba Valores

In the Calculation tab you have a field to date.

In the Values tab there are two columns one with the month and the year and the other the value to be added.

I would like when the date was entered, excel to find the date field and add the values up to the present date.

Table Values

Data      Valores

jan/2017  120,00
fev/2017  100,00
mar/2017  80,00
abr/2017  120,00
mai/2017  100,00
jun/2017  80,00
out/2019  50,00

When to set the date 20/02/2017 The field should find the date and add up all values.


  • The date you mentioned in the example "20/20/2017" is not valid. Let me understand better, you want to get the date 20 de fevereiro de 2017 and sum up all values after that date?

  • I’m sorry I typed wrong, is 20/02/2017. That’s even with this date, he finds the cell Feb/2017 in the spreadsheet values and sum from Feb/2017 to Oct/2019

  • 2

    Suppose your dates are in the range X1:X20, your values in Y1:Y20 and your date in Z1. Use: =SOMASE(X1:X20;">="&Z1;Y1:Y20)

  • The friend @anonimo here is right, the function SOMASIS solves the problem, I will write the full answer to facilitate...

  • Thanks anonimo and @Diego Martins, have excel find the cell by date value, for example 20/02/2017, he should find the field Feb/2017

  • It depends on the contents of your cell. Is a date simply formatted to be displayed as month/year or is it a string of characters? At my suggestion I considered it a date.

  • I tested the SOMASE function, perfect!!!

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1 answer


You can use SOMASE()

Simulating that the cut-off date is in A1 the result will be in A2 and the value data are in B4 to B9 and date on A4 to A9


the result would be like this:

Resultado Excel

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