Sum the total values entered in a table - PHP


Viewed 95 times


I would like to add up the total values entered in the database and presented in a table. Add up all values including new releases. Stages: 1- Register value and send to the Database (registration page); 2- List the values registered in the table (home page); 3- Sum the total of inserted values in each row of the table. The number of rows will be unlimited.

Code images: Cadastro

Código página home

Página home

Estrutura do banco

Dados do Banco

  • Your question is not explicit, be clearer pff

  • The formatting of the question is done with Markdown. Read Help from the Markdown

  • By "adding up the total values entered in the database" do you mean the sum of the values existing in all records in the database or just the newly included ones? If it is the sum of all, just use the SUM function in the SELECT. If it is only newly included you have to define the criteria for how to identify such records.

  • Thanks for the personal help! I will read the recommended help to post more objective questions. To summarize I posted the code images. Yes, I want to add up all the values registered in the bank, and new releases too. Thanks

  • Okay, people. Solved! As help was used the SUM function in SELECT. Now I can proceed with the construction of the application. Thank you all!

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