Error while performing a SOAP request


Viewed 438 times


Hello, good afternoon!

I’m trying to perform a SOAP request with the TNT webservice, but I’m getting a bug and I don’t know what to do.

Just follow my code:

$cliente = new SoapClient('');
$funcao = 'calculaFrete';
$parametros = array('calculaFrete' => array('in0' => array(
            'cdDivisaoCliente'                 => 7,
            'cepDestino'                       => '36213000',
            'cepOrigem'                        => '36213000',
            'login'                            => '[email protected]',
            'nrIdentifClienteDest'             => '00000000000',
            'nrIdentifClienteRem'              => '28672407000190',
            'nrInscricaoEstadualDestinatario'  => '0000000000000',
            'nrInscricaoEstadualRemetente'     => '0086585810022',
            'psReal'                           => 15,
            'senha'                            => '',
            'tpFrete'                          => 'C',
            'tpPessoaDestinatario'             => 'F',
            'tpPessoaRemetente'                => 'J',
            'tpServico'                        => 'RNC',
            'tpSituacaoTributariaDestinatario' => 'CO',
            'tpSituacaoTributariaRemetente'    => 'CO',
            'vlMercadoria'                     => 650.17,
$resultado = null;      
$resultado = $cliente->__soapCall($funcao, $parametros);

You’re making the following mistake

Fatal error: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [ns0:Server] java.lang.NullPointerException in C:\xampp\htdocs\tnt\index.php:27 Stack trace: #0 C:\xampp\htdocs\tnt\index.php(27): SoapClient->__soapCall('calculaFrete', Array) #1 {main} thrown in C:\xampp\htdocs\tnt\index.php on line 27

It is noteworthy that this code worked since 2018, but in recent weeks began to give this error, someone would know to inform what I am doing wrong??

From now on I thank you all for your help.

1 answer


If it helps, I just managed to consume TNT’s Ws by implementing this code:

$xmlr = '<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ser="" xmlns:mod="">
                        <mod:login>' . $user_login . '</mod:login>
                        <mod:nrIdentifClienteRem>' . $cnpj . '</mod:nrIdentifClienteRem>
                        <mod:nrIdentifClienteDest>' . $idclientedest . '</mod:nrIdentifClienteDest>
                        <mod:tpFrete>' . $tipo_frete . '</mod:tpFrete>
                        <mod:tpServico>' . $tipo_servico . '</mod:tpServico>
                        <mod:cepOrigem>' . $cep_origem . '</mod:cepOrigem>
                        <mod:cepDestino>' . $cep_dst . '</mod:cepDestino>
                        <mod:vlMercadoria>' . number_format($valor_nf, 2, '.', '') . '</mod:vlMercadoria>
                        <mod:psReal>' . number_format($peso_total, 3, '.', '') . '</mod:psReal>
                        <mod:nrInscricaoEstadualRemetente>' . $ie . '</mod:nrInscricaoEstadualRemetente>
                        <mod:tpSituacaoTributariaRemetente>' . $situacao_trib . '</mod:tpSituacaoTributariaRemetente>
                        <mod:cdDivisaoCliente>' . $divisao_cliente . '</mod:cdDivisaoCliente>
                        <mod:tpPessoaRemetente>' . $tipo_pessoa . '</mod:tpPessoaRemetente>

// Chama o webservice                               
$location_URL = '';
$uri = '';
$action_URL = '';

$client = new SoapClient(null, array(
        'location' => $location_URL,
        'uri'      => $uri,
        'trace'    => 1,

$xml = $client->__doRequest($xmlr, $location_URL, $action_URL, 1);

// Le o XML
$dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'ISO-8859-1');

// Obtem os dados
$municipio = $dom->getElementsByTagName('nmMunicipioDestino')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$vltotal = $dom->getElementsByTagName('vlTotalFrete')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$prazo = $dom->getElementsByTagName('prazoEntrega')->item(0)->nodeValue;
  • Helped too much, with this code worked well, I was already losing my head after my code stopped working, thank you very much!!!

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