Panda does not create new lines in Spreadsheet


Viewed 44 times


When creating the program in Python I take some information and put it inside a list.

When trying to write this list in an excel file the data ends up getting all in the same block without creating new lines.

How do I make these data to create new lines with the comma as a separation.

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As you can see it does not create new lines, the data on my list are all separated by comma, but Pandas is not creating new lines.

Follow the code:

df = pd.DataFrame({'NAME':[Lawyer_Name],'OAB':[Lawyer_OAB]})

writer = pd.ExcelWriter('OABScrapperExcel.xlsx',engine = 'xlsxwriter')

df.to_excel(writer,sheet_name='LIST OF LAWYERS')

1 answer


I could not play the problem with a valid list, the following works:

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'NAME':['Pedro', 'Joaquim'],'OAB':['123', '321']})

writer = pd.ExcelWriter('OABScrapperExcel.xlsx',engine = 'xlsxwriter')

df.to_excel(writer,sheet_name='LIST OF LAWYERS')

What I believe is happening is that you have no lists, but a JSON string for each of the fields.

Thus, it could be fixed by loading the JSON and transforming them into lists:

import json
df = pd.DataFrame({'NAME': json.loads(Lawyer_Name),'OAB':json.loads(Lawyer_OAB)})

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