Correct way to import a project that is on Github


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I have a college project hosted at Github, at this link, but in the project I only pushed to Github from the entities files, which have been created so far, I did not push the entire project, configuration files etc. Now I want to import this project to my second machine. If I care directly it doesn’t come with the entire archetype of Maven, it comes just a common design. My alternative was to create a Maven project, and then import the project that is on Github (There are two different projects) and then copy the packages from one to the other. My question is, if there’s any way I can import it directly, without having to do this trick. For example, just create a project in Maven and already import directly into it.

I’m using Eclipse Luna EE, With Git and Maven, already installed on it.

  • For archetype do Maven you mean pom.xml? If so, know that it was not committed, so there is no way to clone the repository and wait for it to appear. A possible problem is that Voce mavenizou after commiting (or maybe it was another problem, do not know, give us more details).

  • @Math, because archetype refers to pom.xml and the whole folder structure that it creates, in this case I created a webapp-archetype. In case I maveni before committttar, but I did not want to commit the configuration files for security, I fear someone might come cause some problem and such got? (I’m new with this Github business) In this case, only if I upload all the configuration files? Or pom.xml?

  • In the case what I wanted to know is how it is like this: I create a normal Maven project here on my computer (where there is not yet the project that is on github), Ai import directly into this project that I created, the folder that is on github.

  • If you have a repository that cannot be public recommend you use the Bitbucket instead of Github. In Bitbucket you can create private repositories for free, which is not possible on Github. From there you can commit any type of information you consider sensitive, because only you will have access to the repository. Commit all the configuration files + pom.xml that will be all right.

  • Hmmm, all right then. I will even upload the files to git, because I can’t use another service, since it’s a college subject and the teacher requires Github, but I will see the files that contain some kind of password not to post.

  • @Joãoneto, also had similar problems when I did my TCC project. The solution I made to maintain the folder structure was to create files within each folder (webapp, Resources, main, test). O Git does not perform directory versioning, just file versioning. Therefore, if there is nothing in the directory, git will not recognize normally.

  • normally I do a Makefile to configure/test the whole project, works as an assembler, in git you only leave what you develop, Makefile must download and configure all the environment variables/passwords/ and extra libs.

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