I am creating the following budget program with Python and Tkinter.
# Copyright (c) Todos os Direitos Reservados a Daniel Heringer
import locale
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_MONETARY, locale= 'PT-BR')
from tkinter import Tk, Label, Button, Entry
janela = Tk ( )
ha = 0
valor = 0
comb = 0
dist = 0
pl = 0
gastos2 = 0
#Calculo do Valor da Medição
def alqueire_click():
global valor
medida = float ( ed.get ( ) )
hb = medida
lb["text"] = (f'{hb * 4.84:.2f}')
ha = hb * 4.84
if ha > 500:
valor = 33.5 * ha
if ha < 500:
valor = 33.5 * ha
if ha < 400:
valor = 33.61 * ha
if ha < 350:
valor = 34 * ha
if ha < 300:
valor = 34.4 * ha
if ha < 250:
valor = 37 * ha
if ha < 200:
valor = 40.62 * ha
if ha < 160:
valor = 46.66 * ha
if ha < 120:
valor = 58.75 * ha
if ha < 80:
valor = 60 * ha
if ha < 70:
valor = 61.66 * ha
if ha < 60:
valor = 64 * ha
if ha < 50:
valor = 67.5 * ha
if ha < 40:
valor = 73.33 * ha
if ha < 30:
valor = 85 * ha
if ha < 20:
valor = 109 * ha
if ha < 10:
valor = 150 * ha
if ha < 5:
valor = 800
if ha < 2:
valor = 700
if ha < 1:
valor = 600
valorreal = locale.currency(valor, grouping=True)
lb2["text"] = (valorreal)
def Hectares_click():
medida = float ( ed.get ( ) )
hb = medida
lb["text"] = (f'{hb:.2f}')
ha = hb
if ha > 500:
valor = 33.5 * ha
if ha < 500:
valor = 33.5 * ha
if ha < 400:
valor = 33.61 * ha
if ha < 350:
valor = 34 * ha
if ha < 300:
valor = 34.4 * ha
if ha < 250:
valor = 37 * ha
if ha < 200:
valor = 40.62 * ha
if ha < 160:
valor = 46.66 * ha
if ha < 120:
valor = 58.75 * ha
if ha < 80:
valor = 60 * ha
if ha < 70:
valor = 61.66 * ha
if ha < 60:
valor = 64 * ha
if ha < 50:
valor = 67.5 * ha
if ha < 40:
valor = 73.33 * ha
if ha < 30:
valor = 85 * ha
if ha < 20:
valor = 109 * ha
if ha < 10:
valor = 150 * ha
if ha < 5:
valor = 800
if ha < 2:
valor = 700
if ha < 1:
valor = 600
lb2["text"] = (f"{valor:.2f}")
def Litros_click():
medida = float ( ed.get ( ) )
hb = medida
lb["text"] = (f'{hb * 0.0605:.2f}')
ha = hb * 0.0605
if ha > 500:
valor = 33.5 * ha
if ha < 500:
valor = 33.5 * ha
if ha < 400:
valor = 33.61 * ha
if ha < 350:
valor = 34 * ha
if ha < 300:
valor = 34.4 * ha
if ha < 250:
valor = 37 * ha
if ha < 200:
valor = 40.62 * ha
if ha < 160:
valor = 46.66 * ha
if ha < 120:
valor = 58.75 * ha
if ha < 80:
valor = 60 * ha
if ha < 70:
valor = 61.66 * ha
if ha < 60:
valor = 64 * ha
if ha < 50:
valor = 67.5 * ha
if ha < 40:
valor = 73.33 * ha
if ha < 30:
valor = 85 * ha
if ha < 20:
valor = 109 * ha
if ha < 10:
valor = 150 * ha
if ha < 5:
valor = 800
if ha < 2:
valor = 700
if ha < 1:
valor = 600
lb2["text"] = (f"{valor:.2f}")
def MetrosQ_click():
medida = float ( ed.get ( ) )
hb = medida
lb["text"] = (f'{hb / 10000:.2f}')
ha = hb / 10000
if ha > 500:
valor = 33.5 * ha
if ha < 500:
valor = 33.5 * ha
if ha < 400:
valor = 33.61 * ha
if ha < 350:
valor = 34 * ha
if ha < 300:
valor = 34.4 * ha
if ha < 250:
valor = 37 * ha
if ha < 200:
valor = 40.62 * ha
if ha < 160:
valor = 46.66 * ha
if ha < 120:
valor = 58.75 * ha
if ha < 80:
valor = 60 * ha
if ha < 70:
valor = 61.66 * ha
if ha < 60:
valor = 64 * ha
if ha < 50:
valor = 67.5 * ha
if ha < 40:
valor = 73.33 * ha
if ha < 30:
valor = 85 * ha
if ha < 20:
valor = 109 * ha
if ha < 10:
valor = 150 * ha
if ha < 5:
valor = 800
if ha < 2:
valor = 700
if ha < 1:
valor = 600
lb2["text"] = (f"{valor:.2f}")
def gastos_click():
comb = float ( lb3.get ( ) )
dist = float ( lb4.get ( ) )
pl = float( lb5.get ( ) )
gastos2 = (pl / dist) * comb
lb6["text"] = (f"{gastos2:.2f}")
ed = Entry ( janela )
ed.place ( x=130, y = 60)
ed.config( width="25", borderwidth="2", justify="center")
ed1 = Label (janela, text="Insira a Área", font="Arial 12 bold", foreground="#aaaa7f")
ed1.place ( x=25, y=57 )
bl = Button ( janela, width=20, text="Alqueires", command=alqueire_click)
bl.place ( x=50, y=450 )
b2 = Button ( janela, width=20, text="Hectares", command=Hectares_click)
b2.place ( x=220, y=450 )
b3 = Button ( janela, width=20, text="Litros", command=Litros_click)
b3.place ( x=50, y=500 )
b4 = Button ( janela, width=20, text="Metros Quadrados", command=MetrosQ_click)
b4.place ( x=220, y=500 )
lb = Label ( janela )
lb.place ( x=130, y=180 )
lb.config(background="#aaaa7f", relief="sunken", font="Arial 12 bold", width="15")
lbv = Label (janela, text="Hectares", font="Arial 12 bold", foreground="#aaaa7f")
lbv.place ( x=50, y=180 )
lb2 = Label (janela)
lb2.place (x=130, y=150)
lb2.config(background="#aaaa7f", relief="sunken", font="Arial 12 bold", width="15")
lbv2 = Label (janela, text="Valor", font="Arial 12 bold", foreground="#aaaa7f")
lbv2.place ( x=80, y=150 )
lb3 = Entry (janela)
lb3.place (x=130, y=220)
lb3.config( width="25", borderwidth="2", justify="center")
#Gasto Combustivel
lbv3 = Label (janela, text="Combustivel", font="Arial 12 bold", foreground="#aaaa7f")
lbv3.place ( x=20, y=220 )
lb4 = Entry (janela)
lb4.place (x=130, y=250)
lb4.config( width="25", borderwidth="2", justify="center")
lbv4 = Label (janela, text="Consumo", font="Arial 12 bold", foreground="#aaaa7f")
lbv4.place ( x=40, y=250 )
lb5 = Entry (janela)
lb5.place (x=130, y=280)
lb5.config( width="25", borderwidth="2", justify="center")
lbv5 = Label (janela, text="Distância", font="Arial 12 bold", foreground="#aaaa7f")
lbv5.place ( x=40, y=280 )
lb6 = Label (janela)
lb6.place (x=130, y=310)
lb6.config(background="#852a2a", relief="sunken", font="Arial 12 bold", width="15")
lbv6 = Label (janela, text="Gasto Comb.", font="Arial 12 bold", foreground="#aaaa7f")
lbv6.place ( x=20, y=310 )
b5 = Button ( janela, width=20, text="Calcular Gastos", command=gastos_click)
b5.place ( x=133, y=340 )
# Lucro Liquído
lucroliquido = Label (janela, text="Lucro Liquído", font="Arial 12 bold", foreground="#aaaa7f")
lucroliquido.place ( x=400, y=310 )
lucroliquidovalor = Label (janela)
lucroliquidovalor.place (x=520, y=310)
lucroliquidovalor.config(background="#8AAB32", relief="sunken", font="Arial 12 bold", width="15")
janela.title ( "Orçamento de Agrimensura" )
janela.geometry ( "1360x768" )
janela.mainloop ( )
And on the Net Profit Label I would like to take the result of the Value Labels and subtract them to get a net profit result. But I’m not getting him to display that result. How could I do that?
I changed it already , I made the interface now all in Qt Designer and I’m just giving functions to buttons, see : https://github.com/danielheringers/pyqttest/blob/master/test Checkbox, combo box and generate budget are already ready, missing now know how to take all information including names and Cpf and generate a printable budget file.
– Daniel Heringer