Error installing Ionic 4


Viewed 39 times


How to fix the error by installing Ionic:

npm install ionic | npm install -g ionic

Note: I use proxy address,, and even after configuring npm config set proxy meu.endereco.proxy:porta still not working.

  • Did you install Node.js before? Alteoru the PATH in the environment variables?

  • Yes, I installed the nodejs and this is the end of the path of the environment variable: ;C: Program Files nodejs\

  • %USERPROFILE%/ AppData/ Roaming/ npm/ node_modules/ @angular/ cli/ bin and %USERPROFILE%/ AppData/ Roaming/ npm. Try using these paths (without spaces)

  • Keep up the mistake. End of log: ... 101 verbose statusCode 403 102 verbose pkgid superagent-proxy@ 2.0.0 103 verbose cwd C: Users Admin 104 verbose Windows_nt 6.1.7601 105 verbose argv "C: Program Files nodejs Node.exe" "C: Users Administrator Appdata Roaming npm node_modules npm bin npm-cli.js" "install" "-g" "Ionic" 106 verbose Node V10.16.3 107 verbose npm V6.10.3 108 error code E403 109 error 403 Forbidden - GET

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