Relationship between different file tables


Viewed 118 times


In Access it is possible to link between tables that are in different databases (files), this resource is called in Access table binding. I mean, I can have a table called CLIENTE in an archive .accdb and relate it to a table called ENDERECOS who is in another arquivo.accdb. This is useful to minimize competition issues and "circumvent" the limit of 2GB per file that Access has.

Is there a similar in Sqlite?

1 answer


It is possible yes, but not recommended because it loses transaction capacity and competition, so if you think it will improve the competition is doing the opposite.

Note that I talked about relating the tables, not using a foreign key in it, you can not use a foreign key that does not exist in the database, if Access allows is just another reason to never use it, it does not validate basic things. A relationship can occur without a foreign key.

Just remembering that Sqlite has an absurdly higher limit so there’s no reason to keep the data in separate files.

Behold ATTACH.

  • After posting the question I continued researching, and found a reply stating that it would not be possible, that the ATTACH feature would not serve to create foreign keys enter the tables for example.

  • 1

    Your question says about relationship not about foreign key.

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