Is it possible to execute 2(delete,Insert) commands in a Stored Procedure - MYSQL?


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Falling into the condition of if I need to execute these two commands:

if(ultima_refeicao!=refeicao) then
 SELECT refeicao_alimentos.calorias into calorias from refeicao_alimentos where refeicao_alimentos.id_Usuario=usuario ORDER BY  refeicao_alimentos.idRefeicao  desc limit 1;
 SELECT refeicao_alimentos.carboidrato into carboidratos from refeicao_alimentos where refeicao_alimentos.id_Usuario=usuario ORDER BY  refeicao_alimentos.idRefeicao  desc limit 1;
 SELECT refeicao_alimentos.proteina into proteinas from refeicao_alimentos where refeicao_alimentos.id_Usuario=usuario ORDER BY  refeicao_alimentos.idRefeicao  desc limit 1;
 SELECT refeicao_alimentos.gordura into gorduras from refeicao_alimentos where refeicao_alimentos.id_Usuario=usuario ORDER BY  refeicao_alimentos.idRefeicao  desc limit 1;

delete from refeicao_alimentos where refeicao_alimentos.idRefeicao=refeicao and refeicao_alimentos.id_Usuario=usuario;

insert into refeicao_alimentos_log(id_Usuario,refeicoes,alimento,porcao,calorias,carboidrato,proteina,gordura,dia,metas_calorias,metas_carboidratos,metas_proteinas,metas_gorduras,desabilitar) values
  • 2

    it is possible ....

  • 1

    With the question data what can be answered is with a hypothetical code that shows the declaration structure of the PROCEDURE and of IF/END IF but it probably won’t work with your database because without knowing the schematics of the tables involved, you can’t put together a specific code for your project. If serve you a hypothetical code let me know because I already have it ready but if you want something functional edit the question and put the diagram of the tables.

  • Yes, please. The hypothetical code will help yes...

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