The program is not finding the main (main) method of the setup class


Viewed 57 times


Good afternoon,

I’m having trouble running my program in Java, when I compile there is no problem, but when I try to run, says that can not find the main(String[]),

(class and file have the same name)

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

import java.awt.;
import java.awt.event.;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.util.Random;

class setup extends Object{

private String jogador1;
private String jogador2;
private int pontos1;
private int pontos2;

public void setplayer1(String x){this.player1 = x;} public void setlayer2(String x){this.player2 = x;} public void setpontos1(int x){this.pontos1 = x;} public void setpontos2(int x){this.pontos2 = x;}

public String getplayer1(){Return player1;} public String getplayer2(){Return player2;} public int getpontos1(){Return points1;} public int getpontos2(){Return points2;} }

public class game_prisoner extends Frame Implements Actionlistener

{ //Global Data

//setup jogador1 = new setup(); //setup jogador2 = new setup(); static setup j = new setup(); private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; //Constantes public static final int WINPOINTS = 10; public static final int ENDGAMEDISABLEDBUTTONS = 16; public static final String STRINGFORMAT = "%-10s %-7s %-10s %-7s\n"; String mitem1[]= {"Setup", "Jogar", "Listar", "Gráficos","-", "Abandonar"}; String mitem2[]= {"Programa", "Linguagem","-", "Autor"}; MenuBar barra; Menu menu, menu2; MenuItem item1[] = new MenuItem[mitem1.length]; MenuItem item2[] = new MenuItem[mitem2.length]; String st[] = {"lb0","lb1","lb2","I","lb4","lb5","lb6","lb7","lb8","II","III","IV","lb12","lb13","lb14","V","VI","VII","VIII", "IX","lb20","X","XI","XII", "XIII", "XIV", "XV","XVI"}; Button but[] = new Button[st.length]; String st_bot[] = {"Começar 1", "Acabar 1", "Começar 2", "Acabar 2", "Abandonar"}; Button but_bot[] = new Button[st_bot.length]; Panel meio, sul; Label lb; Font fonte = new Font("TimesRoman", Font.BOLD, 22); Font fonte2 = new Font("TimesRoman", Font.BOLD, 50); Graphics stats; int playerFirstButtonIndex = -1; boolean firstGame = true; int player; int starterPlayer; boolean isPlaying; TextArea ta; int numOfGames; int desactivatedButtons; public jogo_prisioneiro() { super("Jogo Prisioneiro"); meio = novopanelcentro(but, st, fonte2,,; add(meio,BorderLayout.CENTER); sul = novopanelsul(but_bot, st_bot, fonte,,; add(sul,BorderLayout.SOUTH); barra = criamenu(menu, "File", item1, mitem1, menu2, "About", item2, mitem2); isPlaying = false; numOfGames = 0; ta = new TextArea(10,50); ta.setFont(new Font("monospaced", Font.PLAIN, 12)); String string1 = String.format(STRINGFORMAT, "Jogador 1", "Pontos", "Jogador 2", "Pontos"); ta.append(string1); Random ale = new Random(); starterPlayer = ale.nextInt(2); setMenuBar(barra); setResizable(false); setSize(1280, 720); setVisible(true); } public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e){ if (e.getSource() == item1[0]){ //int opcao = CriarDialogoEntrada("\n\tNome Jogador 1: ", "Dialogo Setup", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); j.setjogador1(CriarDialogoEntrada("\n\tNome jogador 1: ", "Dialogo Setup", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE)); System.out.printf("%s\n",j.getjogador1()); j.setjogador2(CriarDialogoEntrada("\n\tNome jogador 2: ", "Dialogo Setup", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE)); System.out.printf("%s\n",j.getjogador2()); item1[1].setEnabled(true); item1[2].setEnabled(true); item1[3].setEnabled(true); } if (e.getSource() == item1[1]){ newGame(); } if(e.getSource() == item1[2]){ CriaDialogoListagem1(ta, "Listagem", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } if (e.getSource() == item1[5]) { int opcao = CriarDialogoConfirmacao("\n\tConfirma que quer sair\nSair da aplicacao\n","Dialogo abandonar",JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); if (opcao == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION){ System.gc(); System.exit(0); }//if }//it5 if (e.getSource() == item2[0]) { CriaDialogoSaida("\n\tJogo : Jogo do Prisioneiro\n\tVersao : 1.0\n\tData : 14-03-2017\n\tProjecto: Jogo do Prisioneiro\n\tUFCD : 5117","Dialogo do Programa",JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); }//end if (e.getSource() == item2[1]) { CriaDialogoSaida("\n\tLinguagem : Java\n\tVersão : 8.0X\n\tSoftware House : Oracle Corporation\n\tLema : Write Once Run Anywahere","Diálogo Linguagem ",JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); }//end if (e.getSource() == item2[3]) { CriaDialogoSaida("\n\tNome: Trainee\n\tFuncao : Java training\n\tMaxima: Makes things easy","Diálogo Autor",JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); }//end if(e.getSource() == but_bot[0]) { int ct; String output = j.getjogador1(); CriaDialogoSaida("A jogar: " +output,"Dialogo",JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); but_bot[0].setEnabled(false); but_bot[1].setEnabled(true); isPlaying = true; player = 1; } if(e.getSource() == but_bot[1]) { int ct; String output = j.getjogador2(); CriaDialogoSaida("A jogar: " +output,"Dialogo",JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); but_bot[1].setEnabled(false); but_bot[2].setEnabled(true); playerFirstButtonIndex = -1; isPlaying = false; } if(e.getSource() == but_bot[2]) { int ct; String output = j.getjogador2(); CriaDialogoSaida("A jogar: " +output,"Dialogo",JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); but_bot[2].setEnabled(false); but_bot[3].setEnabled(true); isPlaying = true; player = 2; } if(e.getSource() == but_bot[3]) { int ct; String output = j.getjogador1(); CriaDialogoSaida("A jogar: " +output,"Dialogo",JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); but_bot[3].setEnabled(false); but_bot[0].setEnabled(true); playerFirstButtonIndex = -1; isPlaying = false; } if(e.getSource() == but_bot[4]) { int opcao = CriarDialogoConfirmacao("\n\tConfirma que quer sair\nSair da aplicacao\n","Dialogo abandonar",JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); if (opcao == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION){ System.gc(); System.exit(0); } } //GAME BUTTONS EVENTS if(e.getSource() == but[3]) { clickButton(3); } if(e.getSource() == but[9]) { clickButton(9); } if(e.getSource() == but[10]) { clickButton(10); } if(e.getSource() == but[11]) { clickButton(11); } if(e.getSource() == but[15]) { clickButton(15); } if(e.getSource() == but[16]) { clickButton(16); } if(e.getSource() == but[17]) { clickButton(17); } if(e.getSource() == but[18]) { clickButton(18); } if(e.getSource() == but[19]) { clickButton(19); } if(e.getSource() == but[21]) { clickButton(21); } if(e.getSource() == but[22]) { clickButton(22); } if(e.getSource() == but[23]) { clickButton(23); } if(e.getSource() == but[24]) { clickButton(24); } if(e.getSource() == but[25]) { clickButton(25); } if(e.getSource() == but[26]) { clickButton(26); } if(e.getSource() == but[27]) { clickButton(27); } } // PRIVATE METHODS /* / CREATE A NEW GAME */ private void newGame() { //Increase number of games numOfGames++; desactivatedButtons = 0; isPlaying = false; int oldStarter = starterPlayer; if(numOfGames > 1 ) { if(starterPlayer == 1) starterPlayer = 0; else starterPlayer = 1; CriaDialogoSaida("Jogo passado começou o jogador " + (oldStarter+1) + " este jogo começa o jogador " + (starterPlayer+1),"NOVO JOGO",JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } resetGameButtons(); if (starterPlayer == 0){ but_bot[0].setEnabled(true); but_bot[1].setEnabled(false); but_bot[2].setEnabled(false); but_bot[3].setEnabled(false); but_bot[4].setEnabled(true); } else { but_bot[0].setEnabled(false); but_bot[1].setEnabled(false); but_bot[2].setEnabled(true); but_bot[3].setEnabled(false); but_bot[4].setEnabled(true); } } /* / RESET GAME BUTTONS */ private void resetGameButtons() { for(int ct = 0; ct < st.length; ct++) { playerFirstButtonIndex=-1; if(ct != 0 && ct != 1 && ct != 2 && ct != 4 && ct != 5 && ct != 6 && ct != 7 && ct != 8 && ct !=12 && ct != 13 && ct != 14 && ct != 20 ) { but[ct].setEnabled(true); } } } /* / Finish the game */ private void finishGame() { String j1 = j.getjogador1(); String j2 = j.getjogador2(); int p1 = j.getpontos1(); int p2 = j.getpontos2(); if(player == 1){ CriaDialogoSaida("\n\tO jogador " + j2 + " ganhou", "WINNER", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); j.setpontos2(WINPOINTS); j.setpontos1(0); } else { CriaDialogoSaida("\n\tO jogador " + j1 + " ganhou", "WINNER", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); j.setpontos1(WINPOINTS); j.setpontos2(0); } String string2 = String.format(STRINGFORMAT, j.getjogador1(), j.getpontos1(), j.getjogador2(), j.getpontos2()); ta.append(string2); //DAR DISABLE AOS BUTOES for(int y=0; y < st_bot.length - 1; y++){ but_bot[y].setEnabled(false); } } /* / Check if the game is finished (if the disabled buttons is equal to ENDGAMEDISABLEDBUTTONS) */ private boolean checkEndGame() { if(desactivatedButtons == ENDGAMEDISABLEDBUTTONS) return true; else return false; } /* / CLICK A SPECIFIC GAME BUTTON (buttonIndex) */ private void clickButton(int buttonIndex) { if(!isPlaying) { CriaDialogoSaida("\n\tTens que começar a tua jogada", "CHECKLINE", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); return ; } if(playerFirstButtonIndex != -1) { checkLine(buttonIndex, playerFirstButtonIndex); } else { //TODO: DISABLE BUTTON but[buttonIndex].setEnabled(false); playerFirstButtonIndex = buttonIndex; desactivatedButtons++; } if(checkEndGame()) { finishGame(); } } /* / CHECK IF THE PLAYER CAN DESACTIVATE THE BUTTON */ private void checkLine(int actualButtonIndex, int firstButtonIndex) { boolean canDesactivate = true; if( (firstButtonIndex == 3 && actualButtonIndex != 3) || ( (firstButtonIndex >=9 && firstButtonIndex <= 11) && (actualButtonIndex < 9 || actualButtonIndex > 11) ) || ( (14 < firstButtonIndex && firstButtonIndex < 20) && (actualButtonIndex <= 14 || actualButtonIndex >= 20) ) || ( (20 < firstButtonIndex && firstButtonIndex < 28) && (actualButtonIndex <= 20 || actualButtonIndex >= 28) )) { CriaDialogoSaida("\n\tNão podes mudar de linha", "CHECKLINE", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } else { but[actualButtonIndex].setEnabled(false); desactivatedButtons++; } } public void graph(Graphics gra) { gra.setColor(; gra.fillOval(330-5,220-5,10,10); } private Panel novopanelcentro(Button bt[], String sr[], Font font, Color cor, Color cor2){ int ct; Panel mid; mid = new Panel(new GridLayout(4,7,10,5)); for (ct=0; ct<but.length; ct++) { if(ct == 0 || ct == 1 || ct == 2 || ct == 4 || ct == 5 || ct == 6 || ct == 7 || ct == 8 || ct ==12 || ct == 13 || ct == 14 || ct == 20 ) { lb = new Label(" "); mid.add(lb); } else { bt[ct] = new Button(sr[ct]); bt[ct].setFont(font); bt[ct].setBackground(cor); bt[ct].setForeground(cor2); bt[ct].setEnabled(false); bt[ct].addActionListener(this); mid.add(bt[ct]); } } return mid; } private Panel novopanelsul (Button bt[], String sr[], Font font, Color cor, Color cor2){ int ct; Panel bot; bot = new Panel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER,25,10)); for (ct=0; ct<but_bot.length; ct++){ bt[ct] = new Button(sr[ct]); bt[ct].setFont(font); bt[ct].setBackground(cor); bt[ct].setForeground(cor2); bt[ct].setEnabled(false); bt[ct].addActionListener(this); bot.add(bt[ct]); } return bot; } private MenuBar criamenu (Menu mu1, String st1, MenuItem mi1[], String dados1[], Menu mu2, String st2, MenuItem mi2[], String dados2[]){ MenuBar mbarra1; int ct; mbarra1 = new MenuBar(); mu1 = new Menu(st1); for (ct=0;ct<dados1.length;ct++){ mi1[ct]= new MenuItem(dados1[ct]); mi1[ct].addActionListener(this); mu1.add(mi1[ct]); } mbarra1.add(mu1); mi1[1].setEnabled(false); mi1[2].setEnabled(false); mi1[3].setEnabled(false); mu2 = new Menu(st2); for (ct=0;ct<dados2.length;ct++){ mi2[ct]= new MenuItem(dados2[ct]); mi2[ct].addActionListener(this); mu2.add(mi2[ct]); } mbarra1.add(mu2); return mbarra1; } private int CriarDialogoConfirmacao(String ms, String t, int i) { int devolve = 0; devolve = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, ms, t, i); return devolve; } private void CriaDialogoSaida(String ms, String t, int i) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, ms, t, i); ; } private String CriarDialogoEntrada(String ms, String t, int i) { String devolve = ""; devolve = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, ms, t, i); return devolve; } private void CriaDialogoListagem1(TextArea text, String ms, int i) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,text,ms,i); } //MAIN public static void main (String[] args){ jogo_prisioneiro app = new jogo_prisioneiro(); app.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter(){ public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e){ System.gc(); System.exit(0); } }); } }

Can someone tell me what’s wrong?

  • extends Object is useless. Every java class already extends Object mandatorily, msm q vc never define, this is java working rule.

1 answer


There are syntax errors in your code, so consider the following changes to run it:


import java.awt.;
import java.awt.event.;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.util.Random;


import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.util.Random;

And also of:

public class jogo_prisioneiro extends Frame implements ActionListener {


class jogo_prisioneiro extends Frame implements

This screen is supposed to appear?

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • Yes it is to appear that, I changed what you said but it still didn’t work

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