Error of "this" within a child function after the build in typescript + Reactjs


Viewed 22 times


I have a problem with "this" after the build using typescript + Reactjs, I have a function that reads an xmls to save in the bank, after tracking the error found that it runs where I declare "this" this way:

const _this = this;

Note: I need _this because setState is not accepted within the function, in case I transform the filerReader.onload in Arrow Function it turns error too.

After build I get the following error:

: Referenceerror: this hasn’t been initialised - super() hasn’t been called at r (assertThisInitialized.js:3) at index.tsx:199 at l (Runtime.js:45) At Generator. _invoke (Runtime.js:264) at Generator.e. [as next] (Runtime.js:98) at r (asyncToGenerator.js:3) at s (asyncToGenerator.js:25) at asyncToGenerator.js:32 at new Promise () at a. (asyncToGenerator.js:21)

My code:

 handleInputChangeTeste = async (e: any) => {
try {
  let files =[0];
  var filerReader = new FileReader();
  const streches: any = [];
  const _this = this;
  filerReader.onload = async function(e: any) {
    var binary = "";
    var bytes = new Uint8Array(;
    var length = bytes.byteLength;
    for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
      binary += String.fromCharCode(bytes[i]);

    // call 'xlsx' to read the file
    var oFile =, { type: "binary" });

    var pages = _.size(oFile.SheetNames);
    var size = _.size(oFile.Sheets.Página1) - 1;
    for (let index = 0; index <= size; index++) {
      // console.log("aqui length", streches.length);
      for (let j = 0; j < pages; j++) {
        if (oFile.Sheets[oFile.SheetNames[j]]["A" + index] !== undefined) {
            Lat_inic: oFile.Sheets[oFile.SheetNames[j]]["A" + index].v,
            Lon_inic: oFile.Sheets[oFile.SheetNames[j]]["B" + index].v,
            Lat_fim: oFile.Sheets[oFile.SheetNames[j]]["C" + index].v,
            Lon_fim: oFile.Sheets[oFile.SheetNames[j]]["D" + index].v,
            wildDayLong: oFile.Sheets[oFile.SheetNames[j]]["E" + index].v,
            wildNocturnal: oFile.Sheets[oFile.SheetNames[j]]["F" + index].v,
            domesticDayLong: oFile.Sheets[oFile.SheetNames[j]]["H" + index].v,
            domesticNocturnal: oFile.Sheets[oFile.SheetNames[j]]["I" + index].v,
            domesticTwilight: oFile.Sheets[oFile.SheetNames[j]]["J" + index].v,
            acidentDayLong: oFile.Sheets[oFile.SheetNames[j]]["K" + index].v,
            acidentNocturnal: oFile.Sheets[oFile.SheetNames[j]]["L" + index].v,
    var date = new Date().getTime();
    const strechFinsh = {
      uid: "hhad26451",
      code: `BD-${date}`, //"BD-251138"
      type: "-",
      area: "-", //"25 km"
      registerNumber: "-", //215251
      state: "-", //"São Paulo"
      category: "-", //"Animal"
      lastUpdate: date,
      map: "-", //mapId2
      database: "-", //"Animal",
      deleted: false,
      streches: streches,

    _this.setState({ loadingData: true }, async () => {
      if(streches.length > 0){
        await _this.createStreche(strechFinsh);
        showToast("Ops... parece que há dados errados no seu trecho, confira os dados e tente novamente!");
      await _this.getStreches();
  await filerReader.readAsArrayBuffer(files);
} catch (e) {
  console.log("aqui error: ", e);


  • use this.atributo or this.metodo = () => { ... }, the this will always be the this...

  • Unused const _self = this, within a method, const is global. You were probably used to working with native javascript and used var _self = this; to take this out of one scope and use it in another. In typescript, we no longer need to do this, because the scope is maintained, the variable that is defined as const is a constant, use let variavel= to work within the scope of their method, and super() , in order to extend the father’s methods to his class... or var variavel whether to make a variable changeable, regardless of the scope.

  • Gives a read here

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