How to save a file that has spaces in its name in Curl?


Viewed 29 times


The easiest way I found was to use this character which is a "Espaço em branco do padrão Braille", but it’s twice the normal space. Not to mention I don’t know if there might be some incompatibility.

curl ftp://consulpres:[email protected]:10021/2105922/2018/150033111/150014300/6-09.03.pdf -o /home/i3/maicom/bkp_sites/Gestão Balanço patrimonial.pdf

On Curl at the time the PDF file is saved, the fact that there are spaces in the name of the file to be saved causes Curl to save the file under the incomplete name.


This is the right way he should be saved.

Management Balance sheet.pdf

However, when finding a space, Curl saves the incomplete name without the extension, thus:


  • Put the name in quotes: curl -o "/pasta/subpasta/nome do arquivo.ext"

  • yes it worked now works as it should, Thank you very much friend helped me a lot

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