Pandas: How can I update values in dataframe?


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I have two spreadsheets where one is updating the other.

How can I update this data using pandas?

Example, where 'b' updates 'a':

a = {'campo': ['a', 'b', 'c'], 'valor': ["", None, 1]}
b = {'campo': ['a', 'b', 'd'], 'valor': [1, 2, 1]}


dfa = pd.DataFrame(a)

  campo valor
0     a      
1     b  None
2     c     1

dfb = pd.DataFrame(b)

  campo  valor
0     a      1
1     b      2
2     d      1

Expected result:

c = {'campo': ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], 'valor': [1, 2, 1, 1]}

  campo  valor
0     a      1
1     b      2
2     c      1
3     d      1

I tried several pandas.Concat and pandas.merge.. available in

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