Good night.
I’m new to unit testing. I’d like to ask for help to resolve a question.
I have the following method of a class that calls the method of another class:
class public Teste: ITeste
private readOnly ITeste _teste;
public Teste( ITeste _trans)
this._teste = _trans;
public List<Carteira> ObterFila(TimeSpan horaCorte)
List<Carteira> lstCarteiraInfo = new List<Carteira>();
lstCarteiraInfo = new DataAcces.Transacao.ObterFilaAlerta(horaCorte);
return lstCarteiraInfo;
I would like to test this class by mocking the Get Alert method that is within the class library, Transacao class, and Dataacces layer. (Transaction class has Itransacao interface)
I tried the following code and was unsuccessful:
public class TesteMoq
private Mock<DataAcces.Interface.ITransacao> _mock;
private Mock<Business.Interface.ITeste> _mockB;
public void Valida()
_mock = new Mock<DataAcces.Interface.ITransacao>();
_mockB = new Mock<Business.Interface.ITeste>();
Lista<Carteira> lista = new Lista<Carteira>;
_mock.Setup(x => x.ObterFilaAlerta(It.IsAny<TimeSpan>())).Returns(lista);
Business.Teste teste = new Business.Teste(_mock.Object);
var resultado = teste.ObterAlerta();
var resultadoEsperado = new Lista<Carteira>;
Assert.AreEqual(resultado, resultadoEsperado);
When Pure this test the Get Queue method call is not being mocked and the implementation is executed.
Could you help me with a similar example?
pq your class injects the interface itself? do not understand
– Lucas Miranda