How to pull information from the database in an organized way


Viewed 64 times


Good morning, I am developing a web project using PHP and Mysql.

And I came to a part of this project, where I need to get the information that was recorded in the comic book.

For example: I registered a holder and 2 dependents (3 people). The dependents are linked to the Holder through an ID (ID - Primary Holder Key / HOLDER - Foreign Dependent Key). What I need is to fetch all dependents who are bound to the holder by that ID and then display them together with the Holder in question.

I’m a complete beginner in PHP and Mysql, so forgive me grotesque errors. (The code hasn’t been refactored yet.)

Here’s the select I used to try to do that:

  $id = $_SESSION['id']; 
  $consult = "SELECT * FROM dependentes FULL OUTER JOIN dental ON dependentes.titular =";
  $result_sql = mysqli_query($conn, $consult);

And this is where I display the result:

<div class="col-md-6 centro">
            while($data = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_sql)){
            <div class="col-sm-12 dados">
              <h3><?php echo $data["tipo_user"]; ?></h3>
              <h5>Nome: <?php echo $data["nome"]; ?></h5>
              <h5>CPF: <?php echo $data["cpf"]; ?></h5>
          <?php } ?>

So far ok, the problem is that when displaying the data it pulls all the dependent table data, or if I reverse:

$consult = "SELECT * FROM dental FULL OUTER JOIN dependentes ON = dependentes.titular";
  $result_sql = mysqli_query($conn, $consult);

It pulls all data from the dental table (Holders).

I wanted to make a mix of the two, for example: I registered a Holder (Primary Key(AI) ID: 55). And then I registered 3 dependents in it and each received the foreign key (holder: 55) that makes the connection between them.

Now I want to show the owner and the dependents who are related to it.

Thanks in advance for the time devoted to each answer.

1 answer


From what I understand the difficulty is in query the database and not in printing the records using PHP. Anyway I believe that you are looking for CROSS JOIN...

SELECT * FROM dental CROSS JOIN dependentes ON = dependentes.titular;

Or you can do so too

SELECT * FROM dental, dependentes WHERE = dependentes.titular;

The query will return 1 record for each dependent, the data of the holder will be in the columns. Ai just organize and show the results in the best way for your system.

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