Angular (8) form validation message


Viewed 699 times


I’m working on an Input that needs to have a message :

Type at least 10 characters

that message should change with each character that is typed

So, when you type:


the message should be:

Type at least 6 more characters

my problem is how to get the string size:

[ngClass]="{'is-invalid': submitted && nome.invalid && (nome.dirty || nome.touched), 'is-valid': (nome.valid && nome.touched ) }">


<div class="text-muted" *ngIf="nome?.value.length < 10 ">
digite pelo menos mais {{10 - nome?.value.length }} caracteres </div>

But when starting the "name" this Undefined, and it breaks the application,

any suggestions?

2 answers


A simple fit would be, create a get for your form

get formControl() { return this.form.controls; }

in html:

formControl.nome.length < 10

but the correct thing to do is to create a Validator, create a ts file or a function

function minCaracterValue(control: AbstractControl): { [key: string]: boolean } | null {
   if (control.value && (isNaN(control.value) || control.value < 10) {
      return { 'minCaracter': true };
   return null;

or it could be a method in the class as well. The form would look like this

  this.form= new FormGroup({
       nome: new FormControl(null, [minCaracterValue])

in your html template would look like this

<p *ngIf="formControl.nome.errors.minCaracter">digite pelo menos mais {{10 - formControl.nome.value }} caracteres</p>


Error can be corrected by double use of Elvis Operator

name? .value.length

does not work because value is also null,

should be:

name.value?. length


name?. value?. length

  • 1

    And how did you add the word "more"? When there is something typed, according to the question, the phrase needs to be "at least plus X characters". And if 12 characters are typed, "at least plus -2 characters"?

  • I set the question, , now the word 'more' exists from the beginning. .

  • 2

    Um, instead of adapting the solution you adapt the problem? haha xD

  • 1

    Use the command (input) on the tag input to update the value. Ex: html5&#xA;<input&#xA;type="text"&#xA;formControlName="nome" &#xA;class="form-control"&#xA;(input)="contaCaracteres()"&#xA;[ngClass]="{'is-invalid': submitted && nome.invalid && (nome.dirty || nome.touched), 'is-valid': (nome.valid && nome.touched ) }">&#xA; Ai in the component, inside the function contaCaracteres(), you can do meuForm.get('nome').value.length and store the return value in another variable. It’s a way for you to always count the characters of a string in the input.

  • 1

    Or, as ta using Formgroup, you can try using the command meuForm.get('nome').value.length on the div that will show the message

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