How to know how many times a function has been executed?


Viewed 493 times


Is there any way to know how many times the following function has been executed Ps: this function is clicked on the element.

function popBaloon (object) {
object.setAttribute("class", "hideBaloon");}

I wonder if there is a way to create a function that counts how many times the above function has been executed.

  • 1

    Usually staff creates a variable to store the count value.

  • Friend if this function is being called in the click the element, then we can say that you want to count the clicks on the element, so just create a function that increments some variable and call it in the click of the element..

  • 1

    You can count clicks through a variable: Example: javascript&#xA;<script type="text/javascript">var clicks = 0;</script>&#xA;<input value="Click" type="button" onclick="clicks++">&#xA;

  • There are several ways to do this, database, cookies, etc... It depends on what you want to do.

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