How to change to property android:fontFamily="casual" in a textView dynamically?


Viewed 27 times


I would like to know how to change the font to casual in my textView through java code.

TextView text1 = findViewById(;

I want to change the font from text1 to casual (android:fontFamily="casual"), but I don’t know how to do it through java code. How to do this?

1 answer


It’s simple, do the following:

Typeface tf = Typeface.create("casual", Typeface.NORMAL);

where text1 is yours TextView, "casual" is the font you want.

I hope I’ve helped.

  • Perfect friend I’ll give a try now....

  • It worked perfectly - Obs! I was wrong in typing the question.... I wrote it down android:famalyFont="casual" but the right thing is android:fontFamily="casual".... But since we’re on the subject then correct me if I’m wrong, but this property is for API16+ I’m right?

  • Both the Typeface.create(), how much textview.setTypeface(), are provided by API 1. according to Typeface and Textview

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