I need to return in % the value of how many numbers are positive, the amount of zero and negative numbers, in this order, but my code is wrong


Viewed 72 times


function maisMenos(valores){
  var qtd = valores.length;
  var neg = valores.filter(nr=> nr < 0).length;
  var pos = valores.filter(nr=> nr > 0).length;
  var zer = valores.filter(nr=> nr ==0).length;
  var calcNeg = neg / qtd;
  var calcPos = pos / qtd;
  var calcZer = zer / qtd;
  var resultado = [];
  var insere = resultado.push(calcPos, calcZer, calcNeg);
  return resultado;
  • Although I can simplify some things, I think the only thing wrong is that we missed multiply the calcNeg, the calcPos and the calcZer for 100 each to be right.

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1 answer


If the statement is correct, it is doing too much and the order of what it is verifying is wrong, as I think it is easy to observe this in the code.

function calculos(valores) {
    return [
      valores.filter(nr => nr < 0).length / valores.length * 100,
      valores.filter(nr => nr == 0).length / valores.length * 100,
      valores.filter(nr => nr > 0).length / valores.length * 100
console.log(calculos([-1, 0, 1, 0, 2, -2]));

I put in the Github for future reference.

If the statement is wrong the question is invalid.

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