average of values typed in python input


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I’m doing a program that picks up a value typed in input (which is not negative and is less than 20) and calculates:

  • a) The highest value;
  • b) The lowest value;
  • c) The sum of the values;
  • d) The arithmetic mean of the values;
  • e) The number of even numbers;
  • f) The amount of odd numbers.

I’ve done the largest, smallest and sum part, but I don’t know how to get the average, even and odd.

valor = input('Digite um número menor que 20 que seja positivo: ') #pede para um usuário digitar um número
if not valor.isdigit():
    print('Digite apenas números positivos!')
    maximo = max(valor)
    minimo = min(valor)
    soma = 0
    for valor in valor: #verifica elemento a elemento dentro de um for e faz a soma dessa lista
        soma += int(valor)
    print('O maior valor é:',maximo)
    print('O menor valor é:',minimo)
    print('A soma é:',soma)
    print('A média é:',media)

I would like to know how I should proceed to efficiently restrict the values entered by the user to only integer values between "1" and "19", that is, I want the program to only advance if the user enters values between "1" and "19" and otherwise display an error and request novamente a coherent value.

  • Natanael, the average would be the number typed, divided by the number of digits? How do you want to calculate the average?

3 answers


Natanael, to get the valid number, you will have to keep the user in a loop (while) until they enter something valid.

The average can be done in two ways by following your code, dividing the number or sum by the number of digits.

To find out if a number is odd or even, one usually checks the rest of the division by two, with zero remaining, it is an even number.

Below an example of these implementations, being that to take the number and to verify if it is odd or even, functions were created:

#Função que pega o número e valida o mesmo, se não atender as condições, pede novamente o número e não sai do laço
def pegarNumero():
  invalido = True
  valor = ''

  while invalido:
    valor = input('Digite um número menor que 20 que seja positivo: ') #pede para um usuário digitar um número

    if not valor.isdigit():
      print('Digite apenas números positivos!')
    elif int(valor) >= 20:
      print('Digite apenas números menores que 20!')
      invalido = False

  return valor

#Função que retorna se o número é ímpar ou par, utilizando o resto da divisão por dois
def parImpar(numero):
  if numero % 2 == 0:
    return 'par'
    return 'ímpar'

valor = pegarNumero()

maximo = max(valor)
minimo = min(valor)
soma = 0

#Quantidade de dígitos que o número digitado possui
quantidadeNumeros = len(valor)
#Valor digitado já convertido, apenas para evitar diversas conversões
valorNumerico = int(valor)
media = valorNumerico / quantidadeNumeros
imparPar = parImpar(valorNumerico)

for numero in valor: #verifica elemento a elemento dentro de um for e faz a soma dessa lista
  soma += int(numero)

print('O maior valor é:',maximo)
print('O menor valor é:',minimo)
print('A soma é:',soma)

#Você pode calcular a média também, dividindo a soma pela quantidade de dígitos no número:
#print('A média é:',soma / quantidadeNumeros)
print('A média é:',media)

print(f'O número {valor} é {imparPar}')

#Só exibe para números maior ou igual a dez, caso contrário o print acima já exibiu
if len(valor) >= 2:
  for numero in valor:
    numeroParOuImpar = parImpar(int(numero))
    print(f'O número {numero} é {numeroParOuImpar}')

The two ways to calculate the average are in the example, but one of them is commented, I hope to have helped.


The question implies that you want to go through the digits of a number, see which one is bigger and which one is smaller, add them up and calculate the average. So let’s go...

In his another question me already answered on the use of isdigit to check if a string contains a number.

Basically, if the user can type anything, then nothing prevents him from typing characters like the ² (SUPERSCRIPT TWO), returning True for isdigit(), but when trying to convert it to number with int(), makes a mistake:

print('²'.isdigit()) # True
print(int('²')) # ValueError

See here this code running

May be a corner case ""rare, that "will never happen", but at first you should not trust anything the user types, and always validate what you receive. And in your case, if you use isdigit and then try to convert to number with int, there are cases where it may be wrong. See here all characters falling in this situation.

So if you want to check if a string contains a number, instead of using isdigit(), try to convert it using int() and capture the ValueError (for cases where conversion to number gives error):

def ler_numero():
    while True:
            n = int(input('Digite um número menor que 20 que seja positivo: '))
            if 0 < n < 20:
                return n # se o valor está correto, retorna
                print('O número deve ser positivo e menor que 20')
        except ValueError: # não foi digitado um número
            print('Digite um número válido')

This function has a loop infinite (while True) which is only interrupted if a positive number less than 20 is entered (the return exits the function and returns the value as a number).

Of course use isdigit() and then int() also works for most cases, but if you will have to check if the number is less than 20, why not try using int right away? The use of isdigit() becomes redundant, because if the string is not a number, I can already detect it in the block except. So in the end you don’t even need isdigit().

Then just use this function to read the number, make a loop by their digits and calculate what they need:

n = ler_numero()

maior = -1
menor = 10
soma = 0
qtd = 0
pares = 0
impares = 0
while n > 0:
    digito = n % 10
    if digito > maior:
        maior = digito
    if digito < menor:
        menor = digito

    if digito % 2 == 0:
        pares += 1
        impares += 1

    soma += digito
    qtd += 1
    n //= 10

media = soma / qtd

In case, I make one while considering the numerical value, pick the last digit using the rest of the division by 10 (n % 10), I compare this digit with the highest and lowest current value, update the sum and number of digits (in addition to the number of pairs and odd ones - just check the rest of the division by 2 to see if it is even or odd). Finally, I divide the number by 10, because in the next loop iteration it will take the penultimate digit, and so on, until you go through all the digits of the number.

Notice that as I’m comparing digits, I know they’ll always be between 0 and 9, so the maior is initialized with -1 and menor with 10 (the idea is to initialize with a value that is respectively smaller and larger than all possible values, ensuring that the algorithm always finds the highest and lowest value among the existing ones).

This approach is different from yours, because as I explained earlier in another answer (to your other question already quoted), there is a difference between the numerical value and the representation of that numerical value. For example, if the user type 02, the string contains 2 digits, but the numeric value is 2 (a number with only one digit).

If you use your algorithm (or the proposed in the other answer), will be considered that the number has two digits, the smallest is zero, and the average is 1. Already if using my algorithm above, the number has only one digit, so the smallest is 2 and the average is also 2. Which is right? Depends what you want: if you will consider the numeric value, use the code above. If you are going to consider the textual representation of the numeric value (the exact string typed by the user), use the code of the other answer.

Another difference is that the above algorithm only goes through the digits of the number once, while the other solution goes through several times. The calls to max and min, for example: each one goes through all the digits, so you are doing 2 loops (just because you didn’t make a loop explicit, does not mean that there is not one being done elsewhere). Then you still do another loop to calculate the sum. But this is not necessary, because as we saw above, you can do everything in one loop only.

Of course, in this particular case, since the number can only be between zero and 20, it doesn’t make that much difference. But if you consider bigger numbers, then it starts to make a difference.


From your statement, I understand that you want to implement a program that solicita a value inteiro, positivo and menor que 20 and then must return:

  1. The maior value between "1" and "n";
  2. The menor value between "1" and "n";
  3. To soma of all values between "1" and "n";
  4. To média aritmética of the values between "1" and "n";
  5. To quantidade number "pares" found among "1" and "n";
  6. To quantidade number "ímpares" found among "1" and "n".

From this understanding you can implement the following algorithm...

while True:
        n = int(input('Digite um número inteiro, positivo e menor que "20": '))
        if (n <= 0) or (n >= 20):
            print('\033[31mValor INVÁLIDO! Digite apenas inteiros, positivos e menores que "20"!\033[m')
        print('\033[31mValor INVÁLIDO! Digite apenas números inteiros!\033[m')

pares = impares = soma = 0
for c in range(1, n + 1):
    if c % 2 == 0:
        pares += 1
        impares += 1
    soma += c
mediaAritmetica = (soma / n)

print(f'\033[32mO maior valor é: {n}')
print(f'O menor valor é: 1')
print(f'A soma dos valores é: {soma}')
print(f'A média aritmética dos valores é: {mediaAritmetica:.2f}')
print(f'A quantidade de valores pares é: {pares}')
print(f'A quantidade de valores ímpares é: {impares}\033[m')

Note the functioning of the algorithm in repl it..

Note that in this algorithm, the first bloco of codes performs the captura and tratamento of the entered value. This block restricts the entered values to apenas values inteiros, positivos and menores que 20. Otherwise, the program will display an error and request a coherent value again. Also, it is worth noting that, the program will only advance in execution if the user enters a coherent value.


In this code exclude the possibility that the smallest number is "0".

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