Print only palindromic words


Viewed 306 times


Training python, I was able to make a program that checks if the input is a palyndrome word. Follow:

def palindromo(texto):
    if len(texto) <= 1:
        return True
        return texto[0] == texto[len(texto) - 1] and palindromo(texto[1:len(texto) - 1])

linha = input()
while linha != "fim":
    linha = linha.replace(" ", "").upper()
    if palindromo(linha):
        print("é palíndomo")
        print("não é palíndromo")
    linha = input()

The input is, for example:

Socorram me subi no onibus em Marrocos
Caneta vermelha
A torre da derrota

Which generates the following output:

é palíndromo
é palíndromo
é palíndromo
não é palíndromo
é palíndromo
não é palindromo

In the above program, as the person types words that are different from the end, he checks whether or not it is palyndrome and prints the message whether or not it is.

Now, I would like to have a program that is able to read a txt file, with sentences, and check which of the words are palindromes and printar. It’s just that I’m making mistakes somewhere and I can’t seem to make it work. Could you help me? Follow my attempt:

def palindromo(palavra):
    if len(palavra) <= 1:
        return True
        return palavra[0] == palavra[len(palavra) - 1] and palindromo(palavra[1:len(palavra) - 1])

def obtemPalavras(nomeArquivo):
    palavras = open(nomeArquivo, "r")
    for line in palavras:
        palavra = line.replace("\n", "")
        palavra = palavra.lower()
    return palavra

nomeArquivo = "palavras.txt"
palavra = obtemPalavras(nomeArquivo)
if palindromo(palavra):
    print (palavra)

My txt file has the following content:

Hoje quem mais ama a anna é o chico
Amanhã de asa delta vai descer o Augusto
bob esponja

The way out I’d like to be:


2 answers


As you are training Python I will post my answer to contribute to your studies.

Negative rates

The first observation I have is that in your role palindromo you "slice" the string in the following ways:

palavra[len(palavra) - 1]  # pega a última letra da string
palavra[1:len(palavra) - 1]  # cópia da string sem o primeiro e último caracteres

As string in Python are sequences, you can use negative indexes to access the sequence from its end. That is, you can take the last letter of a string searching for the index -1, see:

palavra = "abcde"
palavra[-1]  # "e"

The same concept can be used when slicing a sequence (see slicing):

palavra = "abcde"
palavra[1:-1]  # "bcd"

Reading of a file

The second observation is a recommendation, when reading some file use with, because so the object that reads the file is in charge of closing it, even if an exception is thrown during its reading. The change in your code is minimal, see:


palavras = open(nomeArquivo, "r")

for line in palavras:
    # processa o texto

# você não liberou o arquivo para o sistema operacional (palavras.close())
return palavra


with open(nomeArquivo, "r", encoding="utf8") as arquivo:
    for line in arquivo:
        # processa o texto

# arquivo.close() foi executado automaticamente
return palavra

Return all words from a file

My third observation is that in your role obtemPalavras, you create the variable palavra within the for, makes modifications to its content and does not store anywhere.

This way the second execution of the loop will erase the value contained in palavra calculated in the first execution, and the third will erase the value of the second, and so on. At the end you are only returning the result of the last loop of the for.

You could save the result of each loop in a list and return it at the end. Your code would look like this:

palavras = []
for line in arquivo:
    palavra = line.replace("\n", "").lower().split()
    palavras += palavra
return palavras

The above code breaks the line into words using the method str.split() which returns a list of strings, this list is then added to the list palavras that will store our results. By adding two lists you are concatenating them. The code below illustrates this:

lista = "1 2 3 4 5".split()
# ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5']

outra_lista = ['6', '7', '8']

# retorna um nova lista com as duas listas concatenadas
terceira_lista = lista + outra_lista
# ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8']

# Concatena as duas lista e guarda o resultado dentro de `lista
lista = lista + outra_lista
# ou
lista += outra_lista

Final code:

def obtemPalavras(nomeArquivo):
    palavras = []
    with open(nomeArquivo, "r") as arquivo:
        for line in arquivo:
            palavras += line.replace("\n", "").lower().split()

    return palavras

Possible problem with memory

If you assemble a list of all words and your file is too large, your program can spend a lot of resources to keep everything in memory.

If you use generators you can return 1 word at a time, as long as necessary.

Modifying the previous example to use generators would be:

def obtemPalavras(nomeArquivo):
    with open(nomeArquivo, "r") as arquivo:
        for line in arquivo:
            for palavra in line.replace("\n", "").lower().split():
                yield palavra

Improving the example using yield from:

def obtemPalavras(nomeArquivo):
    with open(nomeArquivo, "r") as arquivo:
        for line in arquivo:
            yield from line.replace("\n", "").lower().split()

Now the function obtemPalavras reads our file and returns one word at a time, and as we ask for more words, it reads the file to fetch them. This way we could open a large file without fear of bursting your computer’s memory.

For example, imagine the file frase.txt contains the following content:

Uma frase com cinco palavras
Outra frase
Olá mundo

We can go through all the words like this:

print("Palavras em 'frases.txt':")
for palavra em obtemPalavras("frases.txt"):
    print("-", palavra)

The result would be:

Palavras em 'frases.txt':
- Uma
- frase
- com
- cinco
- palavras
- Outra
- frase
- Olá
- mundo

String handling

You do not need to remove the new line character using line.replace("\n", "") because when you use the method str.split() without any parameter, the separator used is any blank spaces, and as \n is a white space is also removed from the resulting list.

"1 2 3 4 5 \n \n".split()
# ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5']

You are also converting your characters to low box using str.lower() for your algorithm to be case insensitive, for knowledge purposes you could use the method str.casefold() for the same purpose. This method also converts to low box, but contains special character handling that does not work with str.lower() (as the character ß of German, for example).


Your final code would look like this:

def is_palindrome(string):
    return string == string[::-1]

def get_words(filename):
    with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf8') as arquivo:
        for linha in arquivo:
            yield from linha.casefold().split()

for palavra in get_words('frases.txt'):
    if is_palindrome(palavra):



Code running on

I hope you’ve been helpful...


Santana, using your example, I made some changes to get the result you say:

  • I closed the file after using the same
  • The function obtemPalavras started to return a list of words found in the file, and I break the list based on spaces (split)
  • The palindromic function is now called in the word list loop
def palindromo(palavra):
  if len(palavra) <= 1:
    return True
    return palavra[0] == palavra[len(palavra) - 1] and palindromo(palavra[1:len(palavra) - 1])

def obtemPalavras(nomeArquivo):
  arquivo = open(nomeArquivo, "r")
  palavras = ""

  for line in arquivo:
    palavras += line.replace("\n", " ")


  return palavras.lower().split(" ")

nomeArquivo = "palavras.txt"
palavras = obtemPalavras(nomeArquivo)
for palavra in palavras:
  if palindromo(palavra):
    print (palavra)

This is an example, don’t get attached to it, with Python there are numerous ways to write this same code =D

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