How to save elements in localStorage and send to another page?


Viewed 566 times


I would like to save some fields from my main page and send to my "cart" page. Ex: I would like to save the title of a product to display on another page without using a database.

What I have so far:

HTML: <h1 class="tituloProd">Arroz Tio João integral tipo 1 - 5KG</h1>


  $('#btnCompra').click (function(){
      localStorage.setItem('tituloProd', $(".tituloProd").val());

1 answer


If it is on the same domain you can access on any page.

EX: url:





EDITING: To make it easier:

Accessing the file directly in the EX folder: c://project/pages/index.html and c://project/pages/page2.html is like you have simply 2 different websites and so your localStorage cannot communicate with both folders.

It is necessary that you create a server that shows these two pages and then you will be able to use the localStorage in the desired way. Creating a server is not difficult.

First you install Ode, if you don’t have.

Make this folder structure


open terminal or cmd in project folder.


npm init -y

This will create a package.json file to manage your project.

Then type:

npm i --save-dev express

This will download the Express that will help you mount your mini server.

Then open the server.js file and type:

const express = require('express')
const server = express();

const path = require('path')
server.get('/', function(req, res) {
       res.sendFile(__dirname + "/paginas/index.html");
       // Cria a rota para a home do seu site que vai ser quando vc não digitar nada

server.get('/page2', function(req, res) {
       res.sendFile(__dirname + "/paginas/page2.html");
       // Cria a rota para a page2 do seu site que vai ser quando vc digitar /page2
console.log('Servidor rodando na porta 8084');

READY is all configured.

your folder will look like this:



In your terminal type:

Node . /server.js

this will start your server on port 8084 of your localhost.

now just access;

http://localhost:8084/ You go to your home.

and type: http://localhost:8084/page2 goes to page2

thus the two pages now belong to the same domain "localhost" and you can use localStorage

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