How do I browse a Git repository?


Viewed 66 times


I want to test some software metrics and I need to go through a git repository, but I need to do this using the git commands themselves, for example git log, git show...

One of the metrics I want to know is the number of lines you have in a project disregarding comments, Imports, etc. For that, I need to go through all the project classes.

  • 2

    In accordance with that question, you can with git ls-files | xargs cat | wc -l, which is a solution based on external tools. With Git only I don’t think it will be possible.

1 answer


  • The idea would be to develop metrics software, so there’s no point in looking for metrics software.

  • It would be interesting to clarify your question, edit it and include that information, because it changes the scenario. Anyway part of the answer contains some metrics that can help you. And it’s still worth what I said in the answer, counting lines is not a good metric.

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