How can we leave only the first uppercase letter of each paragraph?


Viewed 362 times


In the textarea field, if the user type everything mixed (uppercase and minuscule) in several paragraphs, I need only the first letter of each paragraph capitalized.

If you use ucfirst(strtolower($text)); only the first letter is capitalized for the entire string

how to do it in php before saving?

Thanks in advance for your help

2 answers



Html (index.html):

<form method="post" action="teste.php">
    <textarea name="texto" cols="50" rows="5"></textarea>
    <input type="submit">

PHP (test.php):

// Recebe o texto da <textarea>
$texto = (isset($_POST['texto'])) ? $_POST['texto'] : null;

// Transforma os parágrafos em itens de um array
$texto = explode("\n", str_replace("\r", "", $texto));
// Percorre todos os itens do array (todos os paragrafos)
foreach($texto as &$paragrafo){
// Transforma a primeira letra em maiúscula
    $paragrafo = ucfirst(strtolower($paragrafo));

// Para ver como ficou o array (Cada item do array é um paragrafo)

// Cria um novo array para o foreach
$texto1 = $texto;
// Variável que irá armazenar o texto denovo como string
$novoTexto = "<br><br><br>";
// Percorre todo o array
foreach($texto1 as $valor){
    // Concatena os itens do array em uma sting
    $novoTexto .= "<p>".$valor."</p>";
// Mostra o resultado
echo $novoTexto;

  • You are saving the word "Array". I only took print_r($text). Thank you

  • I just took the test here, it’s working properly. The "problem" of saving the word array is because as I mentioned in the first line of code, I transform the string of the <textarea> into an array, where each paragraph is an item, to view the array you should use precisely the print_r(), just the part you took... I’ll edit the answer and put even more chewy...

  • I solved it with implode. I posted it as a response. Your help has served me to research and broaden my horizons. Thank you

  • Good alternative implode to turn the array into string again. I took a look at the answer you posted, only the curiosity title, & de &$paragrafo is no longer needed as there will be no change in the array during foreach. Hug!


Solution based on the help of Michellhenrique

I used Implode

// Transforma os parágrafos em itens de um array
$texto = explode("\n", str_replace("\r", "", $texto));
// Percorre todos os itens do array (todos os paragrafos)
foreach($texto as &$paragrafo){
   // Transforma a primeira letra em maiúscula 
   $todos = $todos.ucfirst(strtolower($paragrafo)); // agrupa o explode em $todos 
$texto = implode('', array ($todos)); // remonta o texto correto

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