So, I need to concatenate thousands of . html files to just one . htm, there’s already a file. batch that does this for me, using the following code:
#type *.html > output.htm
@echo off
for /r %%i in (*.html) do (
if not %%~nxi == output.htm (
echo %%~nxi >> output.htm
type "%%i" >> output.htm
echo. >> output.htm
What happens is that this process is extremely slow, I found that with Powershell is faster and I tried to create the code, but I know very little of languages, it was like this:
get-content *.html | Set-Content output.htm
Beeeeem simple! Even worked out, the problem is that some characters get "corrupted", as in the text below:
O ICMS de responsabilidade das empresas industriais fabricantes de calçados
que usufruam do crédito presumido previsto no inciso XXIX do artigo 57 do
RICMS/SE, é diferido no recebimento do exterior ou, relativamente Ã
diferença de alÃquotas, pelas aquisições em outra unidade federada de
máquinas, equipamentos, ferramental, moldes, modelos, instrumentos e
aparelhos industriais e de controle de qualidade, e seus sobressalentes.
I tried to leave the code like this:
get-content *.html | Set-Content output.htm -Encoding UTC8
and tried to change the code to others and tbm didn’t work.
Can someone help out?