What’s the difference of foreach(function) and foreach(function())? Why does the first work and the second does not?


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error: Undefined is not a Function

const heros = ['visage', 'enchant', 'lone']
const nome = 'reubber'

function dotinha(nome) {

    return console.log(`'heroi é: ${nome}`)

/*heros.forEach(dotinha)   <---ASSIM FUNCIONA */

well, I’m learning the basics of js yet and wanted to understand more the one of pq when I call the dotinha function with error parentheses and when I send them, the function works normally.

what is the difference between using parentheses or not and when I should use them?

2 answers


First, let’s simplify the function so you understand better, without changing your behavior.

The native function console.log displays a log message in the browser console and will never return any value. This implies that when you associate the returned value to a variable it will be undefined. Behold:

const retorno = console.log("Mensagem de log");

console.log("Retorno", retorno);

So its function is actually:

function dotinha(nome) {
    console.log(`'heroi é: ${nome}`);
    return undefined;

That is, the return of its function at all times will be undefined.

Now, analyzing the behavior of forEach. If you read the documentation you will see that the first parameter that forEach waiting is the callback, which is described as "function to execute on each element, taking three arguments". That is, the function forEach expects to receive a function as parameter.

When you do heros.forEach(dotinha) you are passing a function, so it will work. However, when you do heros.forEach(dotinha()) you’re passing the function return as parameter, because the parentheses there will indicate that you want to call it. As your function always returns undefined you’re actually passing by undefined as a parameter of forEach, therefore the error cited.

error: Undefined is not a Function

Even, realize that when you do this appears the message 'heroi é: undefined before giving the error, because as you made the call without identifying the parameter, dotinha(), the value of nome in the role will also be undefined.

const heros = ['visage', 'enchant', 'lone']
function dotinha(nome) {

    return console.log(`'heroi é: ${nome}`)



If the idea is just to display the message to each hero, you don’t need to return function. Indeed, when used in conjunction with the forEach it will never make sense to have the return, for the forEach ignores the return.

It is also possible to use anonymous functions:

const heros = ['visage', 'enchant', 'lone']

heros.forEach(function (nome) {
  console.log(`Herói é: ${nome}`)

Or use the Arrow functions:

const heros = ['visage', 'enchant', 'lone']

heros.forEach(nome => {
  console.log(`Herói é: ${nome}`)

Or use the for javascript:

const heros = ['visage', 'enchant', 'lone']

for (let nome of heros) {
  console.log(`Herói é: ${nome}`)

As homework:

  • Thanks for the reply Anderson, helped dms!!

  • @Reubber I added a few more details if you’re interested.


There is the possibility of using heroes.forEach(dotinha()) and be something useful! Only, for this, it is necessary that the function dotinha return a function. Below an example of play:

const heros = ['visage', 'enchant', 'lone']
function dotinha() {
    return (nome) => console.log(`'heroi é: ${nome}`)


When working with functional programming, it may make sense that a function return another function. Suddenly the function could be another, holding, for example, the hero count:

const heroes1 = ['visage', 'enchant', 'lone']
const heroes2 = ['leon', 'claire', 'ada']

function dotinha() {
    let i = 0;

    return (nome) => { i++; console.log(`${i}-ésimo heroi do grupo é: ${nome}`); };


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